Is this a motorhome?

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Now that's the cats pajamas.
Mine is more than twice the length I need for my Class A. But it comes apart and can be made even shorter than telescoping it as short as it will go. In my Class A, I bring it in my outside storage with two of the five sections to remove the bugs. One of my Class A storage sections go clear across the motorhome, so it has plenty of room, even if I want to bring all 24' of it. Just no need.

So I leave the other three sections at home.

-Don- Reno, NV
A few years ago I saw this thing sitting in the parking of my local Krogers. Pretty strange. It was some type of potato promotion. Either that or I was stoned outta' my mind.

potato truck.jpg
The fishbowl window doesn't look at all tinted...keep it pointed north in the summer. Of course, maybe this is going to be the first RV with a sauna
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