Is this Fraud

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Roll Tide Fan said:
What would you do if you bought a motorhome as a Fleetwood model 36s (37 ft) and found out it was a 34k from an RV dealer just 2 months ago?
Question. What is on the title work?  Was this bought from a dealer or private seller?  How does this dealer know it is a 34K and not a 36S

You will need to check your local laws on what you can do about it.
Purchased from rv dealer. Bill of sale and title says 36s model. Fleetwood says it is a 34k By serial #. I measured and it is 34' and about 5 inches. Fleetwood had information where it was origionally sold (in pa), date and model #. Its like buying a 1 ton truck to find out it is a 3/4 ton. LOL
What is the differnece in book value between the two? You may be able to recover some cash if there is a difference and the dealer is reasonable. This assumes you like it regardless of what the model number is.
they should give you a rebate for the missing two feet. probably cost you more than its worth to try to fight it out with a lawyer involved which you would likely need. if your happy with it and the price was reasonable, i guess not so  bad. maybe you can get some free stuff out of them like tires or somthing. never hurts to try. good luck
Wouldn't they have to take it back?  The dealer should have known the difference I would think.
Well I have been happy with it (size , Floor plan. Tag Axel, engine, trans) except were told everything worked and the convection /microwave does not and there is a leak in the pipes behind or under the shower area. Also have a leak at the toilet vent. Tried to talk to dealer today but he was not there. Will be there tomorrow and I wanted to see what you guys on the forum recommended.
If they put on the paperwork that it is a 36S and it is a 34K I would talk to them and if they do not want to satisfy you take it to the DA, BBB and the Local News.  I would evenput signs on it stating the issue and park it outside the dealers lot.  I am a fighter and when I get ripped like this I fight back tooth and nail till one of us is dead.  (Figuratively Speaking)
Dave61 Doesn't appear to be that much difference i book value. Looked for 4 months trying to find a 36s and was told that was what it is. Not a really happy camper right now.

kenb1023 Yea I'm kind of that way too. Going to see what I can do tomorrow. The dealers response will determine my actions.
Have you spoken with the dealer, I do not (Yet) have enough information to shout FRAUD (Which implies malicious intent) it might be a simple mistake, or it may be the dealer is the victim of fraud.

But you need to talk to the dealer,  And if the dealer does not make you happy then you may wish to seek profesional help.

Also, in many states the Department of motor vehicles regulates dealers. You may (Again depending on the dealer response) wish to notify them.  You can likely download the proper form from their websitel

I have seen dealers closed by the state, though I do not officially know the reason. I know that I filed a fraud complaint against that dealer.  This was car however, not RV.
I would talk to the dealer first and give them a chance to make it right. I think you might be supprised what they will do! (Unfortunately that can go both ways). If you have paper work showing that the Dealer said it was a 36 footer then you will have options to think about. Goodluck
Of course it's fraud, and you should let the dealer know that you will be made whole. He is the professional and he took advantage of you. You probably have additional monies tied up in registration, personal property, insurance, etc. not counting the time that will be involved fixing his problem. You have filed false paperwork with the county and state because of this dealer.

First, you need to decide what you want: keep it with some booty or give it back. Then, talk calmly with the sales manager -- you can bet he will want to fix this. If not, a letter to the owner from an attorney shouldn't cost more than a couple of hundred bucks and the copies to the State Attorney General, BBB, etc. are free. If they aren't willing to bargain along with fixing all your problems the letter will change their mind.

If they are reputable they will probably be embarrassed and very concerned. And, will quickly handle a reasonable fix. Make sure you know what it will take to make you whole before your first meeting.
I'm with John.  It's only fraud if the dealer knew it was a different model than the one advertised.  In that case you have a legal action.  Otherwise, you need to discuss the matter with the dealer and reach a settlement.  If he acknowledges the error but refuses to provide a monetary adjustment, then if you have documentation to prove the unit is different than advertised, you have an action against him.  That can be pursued in small claims court. 
It's a little early to scream fraud over paperwork. The birth certificate of a motor vehicle is the Certificate of Origin where the vehicle is described by VIN. At any point thereafter when that vehicle was registered it was possible to have a typo introduced onto the title and any subsequent registrations that can explain your issue.

Your RV dealer knows that and so does your motor vehicle department. Whether you can actually trace the problem to its source at this late date is debatable, but your dealer may not alter or deface a title without significant penalty, federally and locally.

So calmly explain the situation to your dealer, the difference between a 34 and a 36 footer is a significant difference in a motorhome, and while the money may or may not be a criteria, you did not get what you thought you were getting, and there are ways to make that right.

A trip to the DMV with complaints of an altered title by a dealer is one sure way to get some attention based on my experience in law enforcement. It should also get the attention of your dealer.

You have several avenues to address the issue.
Caveat Emptor

You have to do your homework.. floor-plans for a 34' MH and a 36" MH are completely different.  At least on a Winnebago.

Placement of kitchen, bed, bathroom. go on line and check out Fleetwood's models. I'm sure they have back issues of models.

There was another subject along the same lines that is on the blog about buying a used motor home. Check it out. 

People will research for weeks for a TV or refrigerator, but will just go out and buy a car or recreational vehicle.

Buyer Beware

Did the dealer provide you with the carfax? If so... would it be eligible for their buy back guarantee? 

tin man

Research on Fleetwood pace arrow showed that all 36s models came with a tag axel as standard equipment because of the length. I did not know at the time of purchase that you could get a 34k with a tag axel as an option. I wanted to purchase from an rv dealer to avoid what I'm going through now! I realize now that all rv dealers are not as well versed as some on models they sell used. I also knew that you could get just about any floor plan they built on different length models. Just have to see how this problem plays out with dealer. Thanks for your reply.
jim dick

The model I thought I was buying is a 36s which comes standard with a tag axel due to its actual length of 36 Feet and 10 inches. What I have instead is a 34k with an optional tag axel. Looks exactly like a 36s unless you put a tape measure to it. I didn't put a tape to it before I purchased and trusted the dealer as to the length. thanks for your reply.
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