I dont know where it came from but it reminds me of a pool vacuum hose. Im sure it cant be correct.Rene T said:It looks like the hose is quite a bit bigger than the fitting. You should have to work the hose onto the fitting, then tighten the hose clamp. Don't try to use the clamp to try to tighten a over size hose on to a fitting.
1930 said:I dont know where it came from but it reminds me of a pool vacuum hose. Im sure it cant be correct.
Ernie n Tara said:1930,
I don't know if you are aware of it, but many of us automatically bypass on any message with attached photo's. That's because we have no way of telling how big it is and it may take forever to down load at the limited speed available to us in many cases. There is a reason for the size limitation!