ISO propane tank for 1990 Dodge Chinook

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Lady AT Tramp

Sep 8, 2019
Looking for a propane tank for a 1990 Dodge Chinook conversion van/Class B motorhome. We believe it to be about a 12 gallon tank. Would also need assistance (either referral or from seller) to correctly install as this will be the first time we do anything with a fixed propane tank of any kind.


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You need an ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) spec fixed propane tank to comply with US standards. I believe ASME is the ISO standards authority for pressure vessels in the USA, so their specs should be ISO compliant as well.  Get a tank of whatever size and shape fits in the available space - there are many variations. Here's one that might work:

Tanks may be either welded or bolted in place. Connections to the RV propane plumbing are basic plumbing stuff, usually requiring just a couple of wrenches.
Here is a video of a DIY install in an RV bus conversion.
And this how-to for a van installation:
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