It's Back!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an RV or an interest in RVing!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2011
Geneseo, IL
I was greatly excited to wake up and see the forum back on line. Then I looked and saw that no one had made any posts since the server migration. So I immediately thought "here's my chance!"  I have nothing of any importance to say, but I want to be the first to say it on the new server.  That is all.  ;)
Congratulations Scott (on being the first to post), and welcome to our new home.
Aye Jerry, I think many of us were having withdrawal symptoms  :(
And Tom huge thanks to you for all the work and aggravation you put up with to maintain the best RV forum on the planet!  (JMHO).  I thought several times during the migration "I'll bet Tom's pulling his hair out."
jagnweiner said:
And Tom huge thanks to you for all the work and aggravation you put up with to maintain the best RV forum on the planet!  (JMHO).  I thought several times during the migration "I'll bet Tom's pulling his hair out."

]LIKE] :) :) :) :)

Glad it's back up and running.....

There may be messages you haven't seen, though.  If you click "Show unread posts", it misses messages that were still unread at the time the migration occurred. However, if you browse each board, the "NEW" indicator is still on, if applicable.
You're welcome Scott, and thanks for the kind words. Most of the credit goes to Tech Support for working through the issues. But what keeps me going is the great bunch of forum members we have here.

I thought several times during the migration "I'll bet Tom's pulling his hair out."

Aye, it sometimes felt that way, and I'm just glad we came out the other end  ;D
Good job guys! I'm glad to see you up and running again. I was starting to go through withdrawals.
    I started checking around 5 AM Florida time this morning as I was having coffee waiting to drive neighbours to the airport.  I remember thinking that Tom likely hadn't had much or any sleep over the past couple of days trying to get this monster gorilla off of his back.  Thanks for all your hard work, Tom and all of the other techies who accomplished this large task.  Glad to see it up and running  :)

This also reminded me that I had never made a donation to support the forum, so I just remedied that and encourage others to do the same.
zzz - I need to go to bed for a week. Can't pull the all-nighters like I used to  :( - zzz
Go to sleep, we'll wake you if there's a problem :D
Whew, I was starting to look fondly at Karen's meds. Withdrawal is a terrible thing. ;D
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