John Canfield
Site Team
Instead of adding to my S3 or iPhone 5? thread, I thought I'd start a new one about the N4. A few weeks ago the N4 wasn't on my short list (it wasn't even on the radar!), so this is an interesting evolution.
Once I decided to pull the trigger on buying an N4, Google was sold out :
so I've been checking their website literally every day for the product and ta-da, today Google is accepting orders for shipment in one to two weeks.
So I have the 16Gb model and the case bumper on order. Yea!
Here's a link if you want buy one - act quickly. If you're on the fence, here's one of many reviews out there.
Once I decided to pull the trigger on buying an N4, Google was sold out :
So I have the 16Gb model and the case bumper on order. Yea!
Here's a link if you want buy one - act quickly. If you're on the fence, here's one of many reviews out there.