I've been wondering?

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Well-known member
Oct 31, 2012
I've been wondering for awhile now...  What if you want to put a new couch or mattress in a motorcoach?  How do you get the old one out and the new one in?  ???
I would say what the couch is made for? If for a house, it would have to most likely go through the windshield. I put a new sofa/bed in my Mh and it went right through the door because it was made for a MH. Went in in pieces then put back together in the coach.
Yes, I was wondering about motorhome specific...  So they come apart?  I was just curious...  Because if a person bought an older coach and wanted to update the furniture?  Also, are the beds the same size as residential?  Like a motorhome queen is the same size as any queen mattress?
The beds vary in size from standard but may also be a standard size.  The MH we had in the '90s had a "queen" bed, it was the normal 60" wide but only 74" not the normal 80" so it was called variously, a RV Queen, a short queen and some other things not for a family forum.  :)  The MH we have now had a 60" X 80" standard queen, lousy mattress - that is another story - and now has a comfortable standard quality foam/gel mattress.

How do you take a mattress out, they usually will bend pretty easily so a couple of strong guys can do it.  Same with installing the new one.  Our foam one  was compressed and rolled up and was easy to bring into the MH.  Set it on the bed, cut the wrapper and watched it unroll and spread out.

Couches vary.  If it makes into a bed other than being heavy it will usually go through the door.  In ours the easiest way is to remove the passenger seat.  It comes out by removing 4 bolts and disconnecting an electrical connector, about 5 minutes of work, more the first time though. to put the couch I have in my S&B living room might also require the removal of the drivers seat because of the length and the size and the needed room to swing it into place.  A really big one might require removal of a side window or possibly the windshield.
Jim Godward said:
RV Queen, a short queen and some other things not for a family forum.  :) 
How do you take a mattress out, they usually will bend pretty easily so a couple of strong guys can do it.  Same with installing the new one.  Our foam one  was compressed and rolled up and was easy to bring into the MH.  Set it on the bed, cut the wrapper and watched it unroll and spread out.

Thank you so much!  The best mattress we have used so far has been one of those that comes compressed in the box.  I was VERY afraid of bringing it home and "undoing" it and then not being satisfied with it.  I was wondering if we could buy one of those and use it in the motorhome, or if the size would differ too much.  ( not for a family forum, lol!)  As far as the couch, we were looking at maybe just removing the couch all together....  but also see that some of them have furnace vents coming out of them.
For example,  I want to put a larger recliner in our 5th wheel and will have to remove a picture window to get that in.
Wow!, even the recliners we have in our home come apart ...  the back slips off of the seat part.  They can slip through most any door way.
My current RV came with a short queen mattress that sucked. So I bought a full size 4 inch memory foam topper and that was better, but not good enough. So I threw out the queen and bought another 4 inch memory foam and I love that combination. Getting the queen out of the RV was interesting to say the least. It would have been a lot easier if I had someone to help me. I put an ad in Craigslist for a free queen mattress and someone came by and hauled it off for me.
A friend and I removed a regular queen size mattress and replaced it with a new one. Went thru the front door without a problem. The factory removed a J-Lounge couch thru the front door. I've moved an Ekorness Euro lounger thru the front door a couple of times. The only thing dismantled was the computer table on the side.
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