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Well-known member
Nov 7, 2011
I went up to see the friendly saw bones this morning to see how the infection in my knee was doing.  He removed the bandage and said there was some dead skin around the incision that needed to be removed.  He left and the nurse came in with a tub full of ''thingies''.  I got up on the paper covered table and shielded my eyes with my Tilly hat and waited.  The nurse started unwrapping ''plires, sizzors, sharp tweezers, a gouge looking thingie, and what looked like a scraper''......... lovely...........  Mind you I was peeking out from under my hat so I am sure I did not see everything she unwrapped.  Dr. Krank came back in and removed the butter flies and informed me that ''This might hurt a little'' and he gave me a stick of oak to bite on. 
Now the ''dead skin '' is suppose to be ''DEAD'' but there is a fine line between ''dead skin and LIVE SKIN'' and ''Yes, the twain do meet on a very fine line''.  He put on some ''ban-a-dine stuff'' and started trimming.  Everything went well till he hit some of the LIVE SKIN next to the dead skin and I bit the oak stick in half.
''Did that hurt?????''
''Oh no,  I was just testing this hardwood with my teeth''
The nurse put another oak stick in my mouth and I grunted a ''Thank you''
Dr. Krank went back to cutting, pulling, digging, swabing, and mashing and scraping.  I went thru two more oak sticks before he said he was through.
He said I was a very good patient as most folks try to kick him in the head several times during this procedure.
He and Willa did some ''Doctor ,,,,,, Nurse  talk'' about how to care for my knee to fight the infection and to come back and see him in five days .    The nurse wrapped my knee while Willa stold several 4 x 4 pads, several rolls of gaws and two ace bandages.

SUMMERY.  It looks like we may be delayed at least till the middle to the probably the last of Feb. before we can go to Florida because after infection is cleared up I will have about 4 weeks of rehab. 
I will keep you informed...
ps.  we are not use to COLD... we are normally in shorts in Fla this time of year.  there was some white stuff on the ground this morning also........cj
Your description of Debridement was very entertaining,,, and alas just more than a bit accurate I am very sorry to say I know.. In my case it was due to burns.. but hey.  We both survived.

True (Short) Story.. Just after I had my burn treatment I was at work, Troopers chased a car, it ran under another car rupturing the gas tank, raw gas flooded the hot engine and a spark ensued WHOMP it went up, Idiot inside.. Sgt working radio with me (Due to chase) troopers have requested EMS, (I made call) They call back "Can you tell EMS to hurry, you can't know how much pain this guy is in"  Sgt and I look at each other... His look says "Yes you can".  Mine "Been there, done that" though to be honest he was burned worse them me..  We both thought well of what was to come for Mr. idiot.. yes, Justice, served up raw.
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