January photos

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Well-known member
Feb 25, 2012
St Cloud Florida USA
I have finally gotten around to posting my January photos. Click on the address in my signature line and then click on the January album. My favorite this month is the Vermilion Flycatcher. Thanks for looking.
Once again, it is too difficult to pick one  favorite....but maybe  Tiger eyes.
Copy the address in my signature line

Tom, I went ahead and made it a 'live" link. Your photos have a big following here on the forum.
Thanks, Tom.  Always enjoy your pictures.

If I had to pick just one to make poster size and put on my wall, it would be the Tiger face closeup.  Just like the symmetry.

Here's hoping for a great February for you!


P.S. Thanks to Tom, also, for making the link "live"!
Tom Jones:  Thanks for providing the link.  It sure makes it easier.

Seiler:  Why do I torture myself each month trying to pick a favorite?  ;D  I narrowed it down to: Tiger Portrait, Tiger Yawn, Tiger Eyes and Stranger on the Shore.  They're all just great.

Thanks everyone. For some reason I always have a favorite each month. And the odd thing is that I usually know which one it is going to be the moment I push the shutter. The reason I am curious as to what other people think is the best is not for my ego. It is simply to give me a better idea of what people enjoy looking at and what they think makes a good photo. I am always surprised by the response I get.

Stranger on the Shore is also one of my favorites. For those who don't remember, Stranger on the Shore was a number one hit by Mr Acker Bilk in 1962. It was a slow, bluesy, jazz solo on a clarinet. I really love the song and for some reason that Egret looked so lonely I felt he was a Strange on the Shore.
gmsboss1 said:
If I had to pick just one to make poster size and put on my wall, it would be the Tiger face closeup.  Just like the symmetry.
Thanks Don. Please apologize to PelicanLady for me. I am so embarrassed to be in Florida and not get one decent shot of a Pelican last month. I am so ashamed :-\

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