JAVA Threat?

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Personally I don't turn to NBC news to find out how to operate my computer. I have been surfing the net for ages without caring one way or another about Java. I have never had any problems caused by Java and I am not going to start worrying about it now because NBC has a slow news day.
There is a known flaw in all versions of Java and the recommendation is to disable it in all browsers.  If you are updated to the latest version, you can do that from the Java control panel as described in the article.  If you aren't up to date, then do so first.  Most users have no need of Java in their browser, but may have other applications that need it.  The biggest risk, by far, is from browser based Java applets.  If you know you have no need for Java, the you should uninstall it.

As a reminder, this has nothing to do with Javascript that is necessary for most web sites to function.  Javascript and Java are not related in any way other than the similar names.
Ned, a while back you said the version I was using (version 6 update 24 on a win 7, 64 bit machine) was safe so I left it alone. I decided after reading your rec here I would also disable mine. My Java control panel on the win 7 machine does not have the update tab or a way to disable it, I think because it is 64 bit?
My browser is IE 9, 32 bit, but I think I have a need for Java when I log onto work?s network so I?d rather not uninstall it but just disable it. This way if I do need it I can change the setting back. (everythings works as is)
Should I just leave it alone or go to the Java site and upgrade to ver 7, 64 bit (they have a download page)? I think in ver 7 I can use the tab to disable it correct? They also have a ver 7, 32 bit, but not sure which I would need. Thanks
There have been a few updates since v6u24 was current :)  Go here and download the latest Java installer.  The 32- vs. 64-bit is only for the browser and you're browsers are 32-bit.  The installer will take care of that.  Then you can either use the Java control panel applet, Security tab, to disable Java in all browsers, or just disable it in each one on the addons or plugins page, depending on which browser.
Thanks Ned, as usual your explanation worked.  :)
Just as an FYI for others that might see this: after I installed the new 32 bit ver 7 the control panel only showed the old Java ver 6 icon. I had to go in and manually uninstall the old ver 6 program (I could see the new ver 7 was there also). After deleting the ver 6, then the new ver 7 icon showed up in the control panel and I was able to disable it.
FWIW.... The Government advised us the JAVA is a dangerous program. I uninstalled a bunch of JAVA updates on my computer. No problems except for accessing a Government site called "US TIME". the standard of Time clocks.

  The time display does not work; it asks if one wants to install the plug-in. The plug in is labeled
  Runtime Environment 1.7 U10.

  Are we talking the same thing here or is it best not to download that plug-in ?

Confused yet ? 
My advice is to disable Java in all browsers until it's fixed.
But leave Java Script alone.  It is completely different and not a threat.
It appears that Oracle just released JAVA 7 Ver 11 with a fix in it.  I/We removed our current JAVA (mine was 6/27 and Ardra's was 7.0.0) and downloaded the latest JAVA 7 VER 11.  I also found that if I go to Control Panel and then down the list to JAVA and double click on JAVA it brings up a list of control options.  BTW, Oracle recommends removing all old versions.

I applied the latest update tonight but I still recommend disabling Java in the browsers unless you really need it.  Most people will find they don't need it at all.  I haven't read anything yet that says this update plugs the security hole.

We both took your advice and disabled our JAVA 7 Ver 11's too. 

BTW, it sure was easy to do by going to the Control Panel, double clicking on JAVA, then to security tab and finally un-checking "Enable JAVA Content in Browser."

I love it when a plan comes together.

Thanks for the advice!

SeilerBird said:
Personally I don't turn to NBC news to find out how to operate my computer. I have been surfing the net for ages without caring one way or another about Java. I have never had any problems caused by Java and I am not going to start worrying about it now because NBC has a slow news day.
All computer users should be worried about security.
Jerry, I'm betting you don't miss Java in the browser and will just leave it disabled.
Apparently I removed the Java Firefox add-on a while ago since it wasn't listed in my add-ons when I went looking to disable it. I also had Java v6 installed but not active. I deleted  uninstalled it completely a couple of days ago and have had no issues or side effects that I have noticed being Java free (I still have my morning java tho :) )
I'd previously declined the updates but, on reading Ned's latest suggestion, figured I'd disable it. I tried to follow Jerry's procedure, but the Java option in my control panel is different. Disabled it in FF following this procedure. Is there anything else I should do? TIA.
Tom, that will disable it in Firefox.  You follow a similar procedure in the other browsers to disable it in them too.  If you don't have the new security tab in the Java control panel applet, then you may not have the latest version, 7U11.  That's where they added the checkbox to enable/disable Java in the browser.
eliallen said:
All computer users should be worried about security.
I didn't say I didn't worry about security. What I said is I don't go to NBC news to figure out how to set my computer. I have never gotten a virus or any malware in over 30 years of using a computer. I think i have the security thing down.
Amid the current warnings about security issues with Java, it was noted that Javascipt is not the same thing and should not be disabled.

I discovered that difference first hand because I did not know they were different so I initially disabled Javascript on my browser....I then lost various functionalities including the tools of the message composition editor on my vB Forum. 

Disable or uninstall Java if you don't need it, but do not disable Javascript.
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