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Dec 8, 2012
Southeastern NC
Looks like I'm in the final stage of buying a 1993 Vogue Prima Vista. Lovely 6v92 Detroit Diesel with a whopping 45,000 miles on it. Every mile logged with gallons of fuel used, average mpg. etc. It's been stored inside for it's entire life; there's not a SCRATCH on it. Interior, well, flawless. The original plastic protective sheet is still on the carpet in the cockpit. Wood floor has been covered with oriental rugs and appears, again, perfect. Cedar lined closets. Full wall mounted shower with triangular glass enclosure. Corian bathroom counters under tasteful crystal fixtures. All faucets are solid brass, polished. Master bedroom is perfect except the hidden safe is locked and combination unknown. Powertech 7.8kw generator has 775 hrs. Again each period of use is noted in log book. Log book also denotes every vehicle and generator service, all very near factory recommendations as taken from the original manufacturer's owners manual, which I've read all +300 pages of. The previous owner, may God have peace on his sole, also retained every owners manual for every piece of equipment in the RV, all with service notes.

We are at $25,000.00
Final/professional vehicle survey to be performed Monday by the local Detroit Diesel rep (they also rep Allison Transmissions, which the RV has a HT-747 auto.

The "issues" are:
Tires, thought they appear perfect, are more than 10 years old.
Fridge is dead.
Front air is dead.
3 gauges nonfunctional
Back up cam and/or screen dead

What do y'all think?
I want it.
I can afford it.
It's an extremely well taken care of unit.
What say you?

Can I get them down to $20,000.00
Should I even try?
Remember absorption refers take about 24 hours to cool down.  Are you positive it is dead?
25K sounds like a heck of a deal for that MH.  However, if you need a new refer thats a 1500 dollar bill.
Tires another 3-4K
Front air?  I assume you mean engine air could be several hundred dollars more.  If by front you are referring to the roof air up front, then figure on another 1200.
The rest of the stuff could be simple fixes or expensive.  But
again for 25K and I had the cash I would probably offer 15K tops.  remember it is after all nearly 20 years old.
Cool coach! I would bet you have some chewed wires or loose connections, had a marmot take out my rear view camera cable. Chances are you might get everything working again without a lot of money if you spend some time tracking the issues down. That was my experience, anyway.

Good luck. If you get it for 20 I think that would be an amazing deal. Polished up those coaches look awesome and quite retro.
I to am looking at a 93', 40' Prima Vista. NADA is $40,000+ on these as of yesterday. In talking to my credit union they will loan $38,000 so if you can get it for $20,000...........

Also i am looking for a wiring diagram......if you have all the papers you should have one. What would it take to get copies?? Make sure you make a copy for yourself also!! According to the guy at Featherlite they put the diagrams with the coach....nothing on file!

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