Just a new guy here

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New member
Apr 1, 2011
I have been lurking here for some time. I am a member of several forums but this looks like the best.
I started with a new Winnebago 25 foot Indian in 1974. I still have it in the garage, storing it for my son.  In 2004 graduated to a new Winnebago Vectra 40AD. Six weeks later I lost my wife of 47 years so I have plenty of room,,don't much like traveling alone, I get tired of listening to myself. I retired electronics worldwide field service and as we had planned left my hometown of San Diego for the Seattle area. Usually in November I head South to San Diego area for a few months before returning to my new home. I built a new garage/barn where the 2 motor homes live along with several other vehicles including a 1960 Austin Healy 3000 I am restoring. Also have a 22ft Columbia sailboat that I towed North from San Diego 2 years ago for my son who is into sailing  I have many projects going that keeps me busy when not on the road so I do need to spend time at home.

Welcome to the Forum, although we have already traded information on keyless entry from your other post in the Winnebago section.

We hope you enjoy the fellowship here. I like the wide range of projects; I doubt you get bored. I always thought I would get to have a hangar full of stuff, like in the past, but life on the road has been good to us. Maybe one day!

Glad you spoke up!

Me too ! I can reflect to Vern's post a lot. Here I am at almost 72 , and looking for another coach. been away from the road since I sold my Monaco Windsor 8 years ago, to build  my new house on lake Superior... Its been lots of toys and resulting lifestyles for the past 40 years.. vintage boats ( ChrisCraft), vintage cars ( Packard,Marmon )  sailboat Gulfstar 44,( lived aboard for five years in Fl.)    Ya I have been around the Horn and back again. Want to try once more to see all the places I almost got to, but did not. ( Bucket List you know)  I have been everywhere in North America a time or two, but there are a few haunting places I missed, so, am looking for an older ( 1998-9 vintage, Airstream Cutter, or like kind thats affordable . Retirement is great, always looked forward to being able to expand my hobbies, except for the lack of funds to do all the stuff we want to do, never thought of that !
  My modern minalist house is done, took me 4 years, one pc. at a time on a rock 1300 feet above the lake. Now , after doing a ground up on a Suzuki Samurai for the trails last winter, another one waiting in the wings, I feel the need to hit the highway once more. I had a GMC 1976 MH while working on the house in summer, but its gone now too ( good thing ).  So, I am interested in others experiences, especially with the Airstream, for some reason? Along the way I hope to ad whatever I can to others, if , I can remember it all...that is when I need too...youall know the drill !
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