Just another new guy

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an RV or an interest in RVing!
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Active member
Nov 6, 2012
Hudson Beach, FL
Coming over from the world of boating.  Well, technically I'm not leaving boating totally behind, just downsizing in the time/investment portion and adding RVing to the mix.  My bride and I have recently become "empty-nesters" (at least until the kids lose their jobs or something)and we've decided that after talking about it for a few years, we might as well jump feet first into the deep end.  I suppose that's not totally true as we're really planning to wade in slowly, so-to-speak and are currently weighing choices in the 24'-27' range of motorhomes.  We'll definitely be buying used and figure it's wiser to invest less until we know for sure this will be a permanent addition to the family.  We've done plenty of camping, both of us have, so the idea of parks et al isn't foreign to us, we just want to confirm we'll actually USE it.  Hope that makes sense.  Anyway, I'm a huge fan of social networking when it comes to hobbies, etc. and look forward to spending some time here.  My first search is about to be, "real differences between Class A and Class C in the 24-27' range".  Wish me luck! 8)
Welcome to the forum. You will definitely find lots of information (and opinions) about rv'ing. We, too, are past 'campers' who no longer wish to sleep on the ground and, after purchasing our RV and a few short trips over the summer, then an extended 'tour' this Fall, we are very happy with the decision to get our rv. It is kinda 'scary' though, because we are not mechanically minded so have covered every base we can with some type of coverage so 'problems' can be fixed or repaired with little additional output. We did not buy new (2007) but we are very happy with the rv's layout, storage, and handling. Our's is 34' long with 2 slides which seems perfect for the two of us (& 2 teens when they decide to go with us). We've met some really great people at the campgrounds we've chosen -- both staff and other campers. I've just retired so getting out and doing is our focus right now. Again, welcome, and never be afraid to ask questions, even those that may seem 'dumb' to you!

Welcome to the Forum!

I think you will find the transition from boats to RV's as something on the order of changing money pits. I can say that coming from the airplane side of things, but I think there's an unusual advantage...you have different expectations of how service is performed, how valuable time spent waiting is, and how to define patience. You will also have an idea of what you will expect in quality and you will probably be an informed shopper.

The topic of C's vs A's has been in several threads recently, and what works or doesn't work for you is what is important. It's not like there's only ONE way to do this.

Enjoy your search, we'll enjoy your questions, and there's no shortage of opinions here.

Remember, the difference between men and boys is the price of their toys!

Again, welcome!
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