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Coming over from the world of boating. Well, technically I'm not leaving boating totally behind, just downsizing in the time/investment portion and adding RVing to the mix. My bride and I have recently become "empty-nesters" (at least until the kids lose their jobs or something)and we've decided that after talking about it for a few years, we might as well jump feet first into the deep end. I suppose that's not totally true as we're really planning to wade in slowly, so-to-speak and are currently weighing choices in the 24'-27' range of motorhomes. We'll definitely be buying used and figure it's wiser to invest less until we know for sure this will be a permanent addition to the family. We've done plenty of camping, both of us have, so the idea of parks et al isn't foreign to us, we just want to confirm we'll actually USE it. Hope that makes sense. Anyway, I'm a huge fan of social networking when it comes to hobbies, etc. and look forward to spending some time here. My first search is about to be, "real differences between Class A and Class C in the 24-27' range". Wish me luck! 8)