There are many issues to consider as a fulltimer which we can explore in this discussion.
One of these is that you carry a comprehensive medical history along with your most recent diagnostic tests.? ?Ask your dentist for your last X rays and have a copy of your eyeglass prescriptions plus your prescriptions for medications.? All this will come in handy if you need medical help on the road.
Next, keep all this in an
Emergency Bag? next to the main entry/exit door of your coach so that if your coach is on fire or other emergency, you can grab it and run.
Your emergency bag should also contain a twenty dollar bill, a credit card, a cell phone and your address book containing important phone numbers like your insurance agent.? Also copies or originals of all your important documents like driver's license and vehicle insurance.? You may want to add a few days of prescription drugs and update these regularly since they have expiry dates.
My emergency bag also contains the installation disks for all my software plus a copy of regular backups of my data.
You may have other thoughts about must have items in your emergency bag.
We have seen all too many cases of motorhomes destroyed by fire or accident where the owners were left high and dry without money, clothing transportation and no means of contacting people who could help.
Our lifestyle is second to none, bu there are some basic precautions that need to be taken
Preparing for this contingency can save a lot of a situation that will, hopefully? never happen to you.
Have a look at
this posting, along with the attached photo to better understand my point
Install a fire retarding safe in your coach for your valuables, your important papers like your wills and
living wills
Because we are traveling from one place to another, and not always familiar with our surroundings, we also need to be alert against today's threat of
identity theft.
My comments are not intended to be a portrait of doom and gloom, but on the contrary to inform you of strategies and means to protect yourself against some of the common situations that face fulltime RV travelers.?
It's better to be prepared and to avoid problems than to be unprepared and find yourself a victim of circumstance.