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New member
Feb 21, 2013
have replaced 3 house batteries on 2004 itasca horizon key bob is not working on doors and entry door . inside buttons are . opening all doors. greg
Not sure how yours is wired up, but on my 2006 Fleetwood Expedition, a wire had pulled loosed from the receiver under the dash and kept mine from working because it did not have power.  8)

I ended up with lots of fob batteries before I figured that out. Not saying Larry's idea is not the most obvious, either.  ;D
My auto door locks, and compartment locks act up constantly. I wish I did not have them, and may someday soon simply disconnect them.
...and here I am just having received the RF keyless entry kit for the TriMark locks in my new coach which did not come with it.

I can't live without them and other than the issue mentioned, have no complaints!  8)

" I can't live without them and other than the issue mentioned, have no complaints!"

Yeah, I have a lot of difficulty turning a key these days too.
Maybe power windows all 'round would simplify my life as well  :p
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