Kisae Inverter sale

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Well-known member
Jun 28, 2012
Saginaw, TX (north fort worth area)
My 99 Winnebago Adventurer, to my dismay, came with a dismally small inverter.  It is only good for the front TV. 
I found this Kisae pure sign wave 2000 inverter on sale for only $349, so I thought I'd give it a try.  It's the lowest price I've ever seen on a pure sign wave inverter of this size.  At this price it was worth a try for me.  I also have the 4/0 cables with which to install it.

Here is the link for it, including specs;

I already ordered one to try it out, but the sale ends on March 31, and I won't get back until March 20th to pick it up.  I won't have ample time to do a review before the sale is over.  Unless I take it apart to see the quality of the construction, which would certainly void the warranty.  It only comes with a one year warranty, I hope that doesn't indicate how long they think it will last. I've tried many different brands over the years without satisfactory reliability.  So if anyone has any experience with this brand, your input would be appreciated. 
OK, I've had this one for about a month now, and I wouldn't buy another one.

It will let me just use the USB charger without the whole unit on, but without the generator running it trips when I run the microwave.  It does everything else fine.  I can run the laptop and printer, while charging my phone which is hotspotting, without a problem, but the microwave?  And it's a small microwave, 1000 watts.  My batteries were replaced in Feb. 2013 so they are not the problem, 4 of the largest Reserve capacity I could find.  My old 2200 MSW inverter did a better job than this one, and a PSW 2000 should be better than this.  Just FYI.
If "trips" means it shuts down under load, that probably means the voltage went too low, triggering an auto shutdown to prevent damage. Your batteries may be new/good, but it appears that insufficient voltage is reaching the inverter.
Yes, by, "trips", I mean it sounds a warning then shuts down. 

My cables are 2/0, about 7', I have some cables that are 4/0 6' long, but they are so hard to work with, and an electrician told me that 2/0 should carry all the current I would need with that inverter. 
The reason I asked is that my new 1800 watt MSW Xantrex requires 2/0 NO longer than 5 feet. I ran 2000 watts (165 amps) at 7 feet with a 4% loss you would need 4/0 cable. Here is a sizing tool that does DC cable sizing.

4% is about a half volt so you would be down to 12.1 volts or so with a fully charged battery. With a 2/0 cable there is no way you will run a microwave.
Agree that your batteries and cables seem like they ought  to be up to the task, yet the inverter is telling you there is a voltage problem. It has to shut down if the voltage drops because it cannot generate accurate 120v, 60 cycle, output power if the input voltage drops below some pre-determined value, which is 10.5v for the Kisae 2000 (and most other brands of inverters as well).  Batteries typically take a huge dive in their voltage when taxed with a sudden heavy draw like the 100 or so amps needed to power the microwave, so anything that inhibits it further can trigger an inverter shutdown. It could be as simple as a poor connection on one of the jumpers between batteries. Voltage could look fine on a meter and low amps draws work ok, but a poor connection (or a bad cable) may be unable to pass through 100 amps without a major loss.
Is  1000 W the output of the microwave? If it is the microwave is probably using 2000W so it might be right at the line. A good rule of thumb w/ microwaves      Wattage in = 1/2  wattage output          Check the spec plate on back of unit. I am considering buying the 2000W puresine KISAE or Xantrex 2000    Kisae is so new I cant find ant reviews on their products  The Kisae has better specs and 200w more and the xantrex has a 2 yr warranty to the kisae 1 yr.  Don Rowe has the Kisae on sale for $349 until wed.  I am going to call them tomorrow and get their opinion. 
So... Win did you get it going?

Anybody else have this inverter?  I thinking about it for microwave/toaster oven.

Yes, I did get it working well.  But I had to invest in 2/0 wire, and locate the inverter closer to the batteries, from 7' to 3'.  It's now over one year old and still working well.

I checked at Sun Electronics and couldn't find one for $249, I would have gotten another one.  They work better with shorter runs of good multi-strand copper 2/0 wire.  Then I just use extension cords to plug appliances into.  I'm preparing for a trip to FL to pick up my parents and Uncle, two of whom use oxygen.  So I want to have as many backups as possible.  This will give me the generator, and two inverters which to power the two oxygen machines.  I've seen those little portable bottles, but they both have big floor models.  But they run just fine on a pure sign wave inverter. 
Thank you for the report Win.  I may have to pick one up.

....but then again, if it takes 2/0 from the batteries to the inverter, the battery interconnects would also need to be that big.  My previous decision was that I didn't want to suck 150 amps out of the batteries.  That fact that it's now a reasonable cost to do so doesn't change the fact of 150 amps.

Guess I'll just live with out the microwave or crank the generator.


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