Kitchen storage

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New member
Feb 25, 2013
We've done several trips (first time in our new Class A diesel pusher), and I still haven't applied myself to figuring out how to make glasses (nice plastic ones) remain upright during our travels. The French press coffee pot and other tall-ish things also fall over. I think I have everything crowded in nicely so there's no room to topple, but the minute we hit a bump we hear a lot of falling about inside the cupboards. Any suggestions? Are there products designed to assist in these important matters?
Items on the countertop that tend to fall over can be secured with museum putty.  For plastic glasses, pack them closer together so they support each other.
What he (Ned) said. My wife also uses good quality Velcro and a sticky mat type material (I don?t know the name) in the cabinets
We bought a few of those small travel pillows at Wal-Mart and stuff them in the air gaps in the cabinets around some of the taller items.  The non slip pads also help keep things from sliding around.
I just open the kitchen cupboards carefully and put everything back where it belongs.
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