Knee news

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Well-known member
Nov 7, 2011
I went up to see the doctor today to get the staples our of my knee and he found a infection ..... He put me on anti boits and tole me to put ice on the thing to reduce swelling.  He said come back in a week and if it was not a lot better he would ''open the scar'' and remove the infection.
Time will tell .......

It almost sounds like your doc didn't find a massive infection.  Maybe just at a puncture site of a staple or two?  Regardless, you need to give the antibiotic some time to work.  Let's keep our fingers crossed.  And don't forget, some antibiotics work fine for some people and not for others.  If all goes well, between the antibiotics and the ice for the swelling, your on your way to recovery. 
Steve & Linda said:
Might sound dumb, but other than that, how you doing?
Steve & Linda said:
Might sound dumb, but other than that, how you doing?

Well,  other than that I am doing pretty good.  I am not '''constipated'' any more so that is not a problem. Last nite I slept with My Willa for about three hours.  That was a little bit of heaven.  Soft, Warm, So Smooth to my touch.  Just having her close was wonderful.  I would listen to her sleep and know that ''all was well'' .  My drugs finally faded away and my knee started hurting and I had to go back to the recliner. She is a wonderful nurse and she take gooooooooood care of me while I am sick. 
We made it thru Christmas just fine.  I bought My Willa a Presidential, Presentation, solid 18K gold Lady Rolex with ''diamond bezel'' and diamond dial.  It has the 18K gold band with the ''Bark'' finished links in the band and the invisable latch.  She almost fainted when she un rapped it.  I figured that we may not get to go to Fla for the winter this year so I thought this would kinda ''make up for the disappointment''.
I got pix of it on my phone and when i figure out how to post them I will show it to you.  (for ten cents of course)......
My recliner and I are becoming ''ONE''.  I sit in it so much that it is conformed to my body shape and it is like it was custom made just for me.
Other than that, Life is good.....
OH...... the guy doing the uphostering on the Bentley is about done and I will have to see to getting it taken back to the garage for final buffing on the paint and some touch up work on the windows.  Mark will install a heater/AC combination devise on it so we can AC in the summer.  It should be ''ready to ride'' come spring.  We are really looking forward to driving it as there are no others in this part of the state to our knowledge.
Hang on,,,,,,,, I may have pix of it on this compputer and I will try to post one or two..........  hang on ...

Shux .... cant find one that will fit the 500kb thingie............

Thanks for caring and pray for our troops ........
Willa sounds like a very lucky lady!  And you, a very thoughtful and loving husband.  A rarity these days.  Don't change!  More examples like you are needed for today's generation to notice.  If they can get away from their Playstations long enough to do so!    ???

Sorry, I had to change the subject line; I have two knees, but don't have a 'nee'.
Don't get too acquainted with that recliner, you need to get up and walk a lot.  Makes recovery quicker & less painful.
A little knee history....

  On this date in the year 1890 the battle of "Wounded Knee" in S, Dakota happened. It was described as a massacre. 

  I don't think Seajay remembers that. Maybe this will cheer him up.

Hurry up and get well, CJ.

I hope things go well for you! I just got home from back surgery and I have staples too. I am hope for some good results and freedom from pain for many years now. Goodluck and blessings to you.
Just a comment.  This year I ahd 2 back surgeries by the same Dr.  The first in February, he used staples.  The next in June, he used sutures inside like before but glued the skin layer.  Much nicer recovery. 

tvman44 said:
Don't get too acquainted with that recliner, you need to get up and walk a lot.  Makes recovery quicker & less painful.

I agree but the saw bones told me to STAY OFF THE LEG to keep the swelling down. He dont want me to bend the knee.  He put me in an Ace bandage and a ''immobilizer thingie' and ''butterfies'' on the wound.  The immobilizer has steel thingies that keep your leg from bending.  Before this I was taking PT from nurse Ratchet three times a week and doing really good according to her.  I asked the ''bones'' if this would set me back in my ''torture'' and he said this might add a week or two to my recovery time ........ Such is life I guess.  I will be really happy when I can sleep all nite with My Willa without the leg starting to hurt.  The only real way I can get ''comfy'' is in the recliner and that only lasts about two hours and I have to ''re adjust''.......  Such is life....

I want everyone to pray for our troops, that they will be kept safe and return to us really soon.......cj
Jim Godward said:
Just a comment.  This year I ahd 2 back surgeries by the same Dr.  The first in February, he used staples.  The next in June, he used sutures inside like before but glued the skin layer.  Much nicer recovery.

I just found out that I do not have staples. The doc did five layers of sutures and then some glue. I am pretty sure that I was way out of it when he was talking to me after the surgery. I got the staple deal from before when he said that he would use them. Oh well, not to good of a night for me, I had a lot of muscle spasm and not much sleep. The good part is I finally had a (well you know) movement.

I am also very thankful for gifted hands of surgeons!

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