Well, I forgot to set my odometer to get an actual mileage figure, but by looking at the KofA map I picked up at the entry kiosk, we did about 45 miles of back country trails yesterday. Follow along on the map here:
We started from Vicksburg road(upper right corner of the map)then left on the pipeline road for a mile or so, then left on KofA Manganese Road to Hoodoo Well, then right through Hoodoo wash to the Wilbanks cabin and well. Then back north over Big Horn pass to the KofA cabin, then back out the pipeline road to Vicksburg.
Jeep Liberty's need not bother. In fact, the section of this run over Big Horn pass(which had a couple of wash-outs and a section of wash with pretty big boulders in it)had me rethinking a lift on my stock Wrangler TJ. The guy I was with has a JK with 3 1/2 inches of lift and even so he banged the skid plate a couple of times.
I have new scars on my skid plate and 3 out of the 4 control arm brackets. Nothing bad, I tried the best I could to ease through those sections, so I didn't really bend anything, just scraped a bit.
Highest temp I saw was around 89, and there was a nice breeze most of the day that kept us comfortable.
Before we left yesterday, I dumped my black tank. I then discovered that the valve wouldn't close all the way. I filled the tank completely with water and dumped again, hoping to flush the obstruction. Still the valve won't close. It appears to be sealing, but not closing all the way. I suspect one of the seals has rolled out of position. So today, another flush of the tank, a flush of the gray tank, just because, and then disassembly of the dump valves.
You guys can laugh now.