Kohler generator

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New member
Feb 7, 2013
Hello all,
1986 Minnie Winnie 20ft, used to RV more than I do now.  Just wondering if others don't like (hate) this generator.  Kohler 2.5 CMZRV.  It is too loud (muffler is good), vibrates too much and when I shut it down it always backfires once, like a gun going off.  I've had this M/H since new, only 38,000 miles and not much time on the gen.
Any thoughts on swapping it out for a Honda gen. or at least change out the engine to a nice Honda OHV that runs smoother and quieter?
10 yrs out from retiring and looking forward to using the R/V more in the near future.
Hi Henry - welcome!

Is your gen set gasoline or propane fueled? 

Have you done any dimension checking to see if a Honda would physically fit?  You might find it a little tricky to permanently plumb in a stand-alone gen set - you would have to figure out how to attach the fuel line to bypass the built-in tank.  I don't see that as impossible but it would take some tinkering and fiddling.

My first choice would be to replace it with an Onan that's designed to be permanently installed. 
I'd be looking to tune it up, backfiring shouldn't be normal.  Loudness may be though.
Thanks for the replies, at $2,600 that's almost more than the coach is worth? lol.  I guess I was wondering if others had the same issues and if there was a tried and true quick and inexpensive swap out for this unit.  Until then, I will get in there and tune it up and add some insulating materials to the housing box to get it a little quieter.  Just so I'm clear about the backfiring, it only does it after shutdown, almost like clockwork, about 2 secs after all rotation has stopped you can begin counting then 'BAM' one final act of defiance.  Maybe it is some hot carbon igniting some residual fuel or something.  Sad thing is about this unit is that it runs at 3,600 rpm.  Onans and Hondas seem like they run a lot less than this.

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