Kwikee steps and slide wont work 2010 Access

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New member
Mar 8, 2013
The cuicuit breakers to the power steps and Slideouts are dead on my 2010 access 31. I have isolated the problem to the small center lug on the solinoid that feeds both. If I apply 12v to the lug they both work. I have tested the solinoid and it is good. The problem must be with a fuse or connection but the wires are all in a chase and innaccesible. My father owns the RV and is handicapped so I must figure this out so he can get in. Can anyone tell me where the fuse is ,where i can look without dismatling the coach, or what to do. Any help is greatly appreciated!

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How did you test the solenoid? Did you check the resistance across the contacts when closed or did you just verify that the coil pulled in. If you short across the contacts do the steps work?
Thanks for the replies, Unfortunately the wiring diagram is useless in regards to fuse locations, And yes the steps will work with the solinoid crossed, I took the solenoid to a friend that has an auto electric company, he checked it and said it was working as designed. Told me to find out why the wire on the small lug had no voltage. Thats turning into a real project. Thanks again
The wiring is probably fine. I am not familiar with the fuse locations on the Access, but it is probably a chassis fuse block, which could be on the firewall or under the dash. There is an ignition interlock for the steps that causes them to go in when the vehicle is started and the door is closed. There is also a magnetic switch on the door for the steps. The magnetic switch shouldn't affect the slide out, but the ignition does. I can't put my slideout in or out without the ignition being turned on. Winnebago should be able to tell you which fuse or breaker it is.
You were spot on!!  Fuse did not look blown (pulled it out and looked at it twice) but replaced it with another after your reply and wallah.  Thanks for the help, you fellas are great!

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