Large travel trailers?

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Sep 7, 2019
Lubbock, Texas
As wife and I are talking about going full time RVing, I cannot find anybody that can tell me what unit is longer or equivalent to a Jayco 338RETS. I have to have a bumper pull. I have no problem with the Jayco, but want to look at all the possibilities of what other brands might offer 1st. And the rating of the axle is very important. As Jayco puts a 55 or 5200lb axle under a 338 and it is almost overloaded with little carried inside.
It sounds silly, but I cannot find anything on the internet and a dealer wont tell you cause they don't know!
Thanks to anybody that has any info.
There are some similar in size - Puma, Keystone and Coachmen all have a big model. Puma's Destination models are large - about 40 ft for the Columbus Castaway. Keystone's Hideout runs to 40 footers and Passport to 38 ft.    I think you are pretty much stuck at the 38-40 ft size for a production TT.  You could probably get a custom one larger from somebody like Spacecraft Mfg.

Folks going that large or larger want a 5W for its better towability.  Besides, other than pick-ups, there aren't many tow vehicles that can handle a travel trailer of 10,000 lbs or more.  What will you be towing with?  10,000 lbs and 39 ft are going to be a stretch.
Thanks Gary,
I have a 334 Jayco, which is 38' tip to toe. The 338 just has a little more storage and the tub has a place to sit down which my wife wants. I pull with Dodge, 2500, diesel. Have no problems pulling it, just stopping on long down hills. But, going to fix that with a Banks Engine Brake.
Thanks again,


  • 9.jpg
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Very Nice  :))  I bet that dude can be a challenge at times to slow down or switch lanes.
Most TT come with barely enough axle capacity.  You may choose to replace the axles with heavier ones.  While this does not change overall load capacity, it certainly provides more reserve capacity (safety) on the axles.  Same for tires.  Upgrade a load range for safety.

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