Leaky Water Fill

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Well-known member
Feb 16, 2013
Almost every time I connect to an outside water supply, I get a very small but steady stream of water leaking back down the hose.  I have a feeling that it is the gasket position in the water fill connector, but I just don't know enough to say for sure.  Can anyone tell me if the red gasket in the attached picture is inserted correctly?  I apologize for the darkness of the picture, but if you look at the bottom of the connector, you can see the gasket on top of the interior water fill pipe.  However, if you look at the top of the connector, you can see that the gasket is recessed on the outside portion of the piping, and looks like it may be resting between the outside of the pipe and the inside portion of the screw on connector.  Again, can anyone confirm or tell me the correct positioning for this gasket?  Thanks in advance.



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It appears to me that the gasket may have been forced in too far and may have actually been too small to start with.  It should be a standard flat hose gasket and inserted just passed the outer shell threads.  In that position, the gasket should be trapped between the end of the hose (male) and the brass flange holding the outer shell on the fixture.
Yeah, it should be just the standard hose gasket. The ones I have are wider. Maybe 1" OD, and 5/8" ID - a solid 3/16" of rubber all around. The red ones dry out too fast. I prefer the more supple black ones - but neither of them last all that long. I always have a pile of them in my toolbox.

Thanks all.  It's off to the store later today to buy some gaskets.  Thanks again.
I use the "O" ring type that are right next to the flat ones in the garden department. With my old hands I find it easier to get a seal with these. Been using them on hoses for years and nothing but smiles.
I just wanted to thank all again for the help.  I went to Home Depot today and picked up a pack of red flat rings, a pack of green garden hose rings, and a pack of the round black "O" rings along with a brass inline water shut valve for $8 and change total.  I dewinterized last Friday, but they called for mid to high twenties last night and for the next couple nights here in the DC area, so I hooked up the air hose to the water intake again and blew the lines out just to be safe.  I added the little bit of RV antifreeze that I had left to the P-traps, but I'm just going to leave the lines blown out since it's only a couple more nights.  When I hooked the blow out connector to the fresh water intake today, I didn't get one PEEP of air.  When I did it yesterday, it sounded like a car that had just run over a couple nails.  THANKS again to all.
I have found that the ends put on fresh water hoses are of poor quality and some times too short to seat correctly. I spent more on the brass hose ends than I did on the hose, but that and the new gasket, no more leaks.
I have found that the length of time that your hose gaskets last is directly proportional to how scratched up the male end is that you are screwing onto them. Nicks from concrete score the mating surface and will cut up a gasket in short order. I try to really baby the female end. Oh, yeah - and I try to take care of the hose, too!  ;D

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