LG6100 Question

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Bob Buchanan

Well-known member
Mar 3, 2005
Philadelphia, PA
Am in the process of switching from Cingular to Verizon (trying it for 15 days). Have been using the LG6100 in those areas around Sacramento that I have poor reception from Cingular -- and it appears I have solved my problems. I do have a question about the phone and cable. Have checked out the OLH and the manual and must be overlooking this topic. The index in the manual is typically useless as far as indexed keywords. Also, I just love these manuals that are in two languages according to which cover one starts from -- which puts the index in the center of the manual. :mad:

Question: I installed the MOK. Can I transfer files such as pics from my PC to the phone and back using the MOK cable with what I have -- or must I run down additional sw?


Wow Bob I have exactly the same question.

At the Verizon store in Kalispell I simply asked if I could transfer pictures from the phone to the PC and they said yes.  I never thought to ask the "how" follow up.

Now, like you, I have searched all through the manual and examined the phone menu and cannot find a thing.  It would be terrible if cell phone pics were resigned a solitary life of only living on phones.  I bet one of the pros here has the answer so I will watch and wait.
Smoky said:
Now, like you, I have searched all through the manual and examined the phone menu and cannot find a thing.? It would be terrible if cell phone pics were resigned a solitary life of only living on phones.? I bet one of the pros here has the answer so I will watch and wait.

Smoky, there appears to be a number of SW vendors selling data transfer cables and software. The MOK throws in a nice phone book app - but nothing to transfer other data types. I found one free download site, but it didn't like the MOK cable -- or so it seems. I didn't dig into it too far after the error message. The LG6100 was one of a number of phones on their setup menu, but it just couldn't connect. The Bitpim menu had a phone book, pix transfer, ringtones, and just about anything one would want between PC and phone.

You may want to try it -- as there is the remote possibility 8) that I am doing something wrong. :)

Here's their website:


My question to Verizon is, "How come you don't bundle this type of SW with the MOK"?

I already have the MOK.  Got it sent overnight and it was waiting for me in Maryland after I returned from MT.  Verizon ships it free as overnight shipping.

But I STILL don't know how to upload a pic to my laptop.  The MOK will access the Internet via the cell, and also upload and download address books.  But I have not yet figured out how to get the picture out of the phone gallery and on to the laptop.
Hi Smoky:

Smoky said:
I already have the MOK.? Got it sent overnight and it was waiting for me in Maryland after I returned from MT.? Verizon ships it free as overnight shipping.

But I STILL don't know how to upload a pic to my laptop.? The MOK will access the Internet via the cell, and also upload and download address books.? But I have not yet figured out how to get the picture out of the phone gallery and on to the laptop.

Sorry if I didn't make that clear. The address I gave you is software "in addition the MOK". I have the MOK as well, and when I discovered it's "tranasfer data" limitations, started looking for additional SW for pics, ringtones and such as an addendum. Verizon probably doesn't bundle pic, ringtone and other data transfer SW because it would cut into their income from those using their 25 cents a pop on line transfers. The download is a freebee, so again, you may want to try it. The more I look, the more it appears that third party software is the only way this simple thing can be done.

Have you tried the bitpim software yet?

Sort of scared me when they said they are not responsible for damage to phone, though likely that is a CYA statement. 

Also when I read the info on the web site it did not mention pictures (though it talked about the file system) and it did not mention the 6100, though it did list the 6000.

There is a LG VX6100 Yahoo "group", and I will post this question there.  It is at:


OK I asked this question in the VX6100 Yahoo group:


Uploading pics to PC

How do I do this?? MOK doesn't work.? It should IMO.? Does Verizon not want us to be able to use the pics we take?? If not, that sort of makes camera phones useless outside of the Verizon network.? I don't get any big kick out of sending and receiving pics with other users, but I sure have a use for uploading pics to my PC when I don't have my digital camera with me.? I ALWAYS have my phone with me.

I am aware of bitpim.? But it did not list the vx6100 on their web site (but has the 6000) and it says it is not responsible for phone damage.

Is this the best thing to use and is it safe?


Let's see what comes back.

Smoky said:
Have you tried the bitpim software yet?

Sort of scared me when they said they are not responsible for damage to phone, though likely that is a CYA statement.?

Also when I read the info on the web site it did not mention pictures (though it talked about the file system) and it did not mention the 6100, though it did list the 6000.

Yes -- as mentioned in my earlier post, I downloaded and tried it. In the same post, I mentioned that the 6100 IS on the Setup menu as to which phone the user has. And No, I can't blame them for putting the "Not Responsible" statement on their download site. All SW developer's do that. That same statement is certainly in the License Agreement of "my" software.

As mentioned, the only problem I found with the package was that it didn't appear to like my MOK cable.
Right Bob.

It just struck me that if they did not advertise the 6100 on their web site, maybe the software is still under development for the 6100.

Are you certain it was the cable it did not like vs. the 6100?
>> It just struck me that if they did not advertise the 6100 on their web site, maybe the software is still under development for the 6100.
Actually, Smoky, it's probably the reverse. I know that in my case, mentioning a new SW feature on my website happens after the feature is programmed and tested. In this case, the 6100 IS on the rather lengthy drop down menu of phones in the SW. I doubt they would put it there if it hadn't been tested. But then, I'm a programmer chock full of integrity. ::)

>>Are you certain it was the cable it did not like vs. the 6100?
The key word there was that I said it "appears" to not like the cable. Can't remember the exact error message concerned with "not being able to connect", but as I researched the message, it read that the cable could be one of the causes. It went on to discuss the various kinds of lower quality cables and better quality cables. The one they liked the best was from Radio Shack, BTW.

So it "appears" that it is not a case of their SW not liking the 6100 -- but a case of their software not liking the cable  -- whoever may have made the cable in the MOK. OTOH, the cable may not have had anything to do with it. I didn't have time to go any farther with it. When data comm techies begin writing issues that could be causing a problem, I bail out until someone else figures it out. :)

Anyway -- it is a FREE download so the price is right. My point was to answer the question of how to move data from the PC to the phone - and back. The answer seems to be that there is third party software out there -- some free and some not that is available to do that. And Verizon doesn't seem to provide that capability via direct cable connect. To quote a Verizon sales person that I chatted with today, they prefer billing 25 cents a pop for that sorta thing. But he may have been selling men's shoes last week -- so ya never know . . . ???
Gotcha Bob!

I am the cautious type and just want to find someone using it successfully who can teach me how, before I go further with it.
Bob Buchanan said:
You may want to try it -- as there is the remote possibility 8) that I am doing something wrong. :)

Here's their website:


My question to Verizon is, "How come you don't bundle this type of SW with the MOK"?


I tried it.  Didn't work on my LG4600.  I've searched unsucessfully for similar SW on the web.  This seems like it would be a nice package, if it worked!
IMO Verizon is making a bad choice by trying to keep pics captive on their own network.  The camera function on the phone would be more useful with more open architecture.  I think companies almost always fail in attempts to keep things captive.

I wonder if I could email a pic from the VX6100?  I see where the phone book lets you add an email address.  Does this mean I can send email from the phone?  So far I cannot find a way to do this.

If I could email a pic to myself I would escape the Verizon trap.
Smoky said:
IMO Verizon is making a bad choice by trying to keep pics captive on their own network.? The camera function on the phone would be more useful with more open architecture.? I think companies almost always fail in attempts to keep things captive.

I wonder if I could email a pic from the VX6100?? I see where the phone book lets you add an email address.? Does this mean I can send email from the phone?? So far I cannot find a way to do this.

If I could email a pic to myself I would escape the Verizon trap.

Smoky, you should be able to send a picture to anyone -- even yourself. :) Notice just after taking a picture, the left soft button selects "Send". That takes you to screens that allow you to enter either a Phone or email address of where you want to send it. You can add sound and a voice message at the same time. Once you place a picture in your Gallery - you can send it anywhere. If a pic is already in the gallery, just click on it and select Options | Send from the right soft button.

You can also send to the Verizon site for a web focal point of your pictures -- it's called the PIX Place. Check out this website:


Verizon is not trying to keep things "captive" -- just wanting to get your bucks as you move TXT or PIX messages to and fro other than by cable. I decided to pay the $5.00 extra per month to check out how to move stuff around. That allows me to send unlimited TXT or PiX messages to other Verizon folk - and let's me send up to 50 to those on other networks. I don't think either uses air time, unless I go over the 50 -- or so I have been told by Verizon person on their 611 number. They also verified for me that when using the MOK for laptop Internet access, nights and weekends usage does not use air time.

After researching this cable glitch built into the MOK Verizon, I am thinking of checking out other products and if I find one within the 15 day return policy, may return the MOK and go a different way. For example, note what DataPilot offers for the 6100. This package does it all -- and for only $10 more than I paid for the MOK. Hmmmmm. . . :-\

joelmyer said:
I tried it.? Didn't work on my LG4600.? I've searched unsucessfully for similar SW on the web.? This seems like it would be a nice package, if it worked!

Joel -- check out the link I placed in my last post to Smoky. The DataPilot software does what the MOK should do -- for only a few dollars more.


Thanks for the GREAT info.

Are you paying the $5 a month for the mobile web feature?  If so, I am already paying for that.  Cool.

I tried to send an email to myself, but never got it.  Not sure what went wrong.  I will try it again using your clear instructions.  I find the info you are posting very helpful.

If you try out that data software please post your opinion of it here on this forum.

Thank you.

After researching this cable glitch built into the MOK Verizon, I am thinking of checking out other products and if I find one within the 15 day return policy, may return the MOK and go a different way. For example, note what DataPilot offers for the 6100. This package does it all -- and for only $10 more than I paid for the MOK. Hmmmmm. . . :-\


I'm still researching this stuff but the internetbycell phone guy says this cable for $14.88 and the free software download in his files is all that's needed. Have you looked at this option ? Comment ?


BTW - In his Verizon tutorial he strongly recommends buying the MOK. I asked him in a recent message if this new comment means that he endorses this now and his reply was yes.
I would trust that guy.

A big advantage of the cable he is recommending is that you can plug it in to ac while you are on the internet and it keeps your phone charged indefinitely.  The MOK cord does not charge, and after a couple hours you have to log off and recharge.

blueblood said:
I'm still researching this stuff but the internetbycell phone guy says this cable for $14.88 and the free software download in his files is all that's needed. Have you looked at this option ? Comment ?


BTW - In his Verizon tutorial he strongly recommends buying the MOK. I asked him in a recent message if this new comment means that he endorses this now and his reply was yes.

:-\ has become my standard smiley here.

I checked out the site -- and couldn't find the free software. I would like to the specs and screen shots of what the software will do. The MOK gives me an Internet connection and a phone book -- of sorts. That's it. He goes on to say that he endorses the MOK. Is he recommending getting rid of the MOK and just using his cable and free software -- or using the MOK (and cable) plus his free software and cable?

Today I chatted with Verizon on line again about this scenario to make sure where they stand. It is just about known for sure now that my original question in this thread has been answered in that Verizon does not support the movement of data to and from any of their cell phones via direct cable.

After checking out the full details of the capabilities of DataPilot, I became pretty impressed with what they have there. If you note the screen shots, they have done a better job on integrating Windows features into the software than the MOK software-- e.g., a drag and drop phone book. It appears all the features of the software are included except the SMS manager in the LG1600. That would include the Phone Book Manager, Internet Data Connect, Ringtone Composer, Image Editor, and Calendar - with full sync capbilties.

My next stop was LG. I chatted with a techie there that seemed very savvy on the 1600, and he voiced a number of opinions that I appreciated. He said that they (LG) felt the best software solution for communicating with LG phones was Susteen <sp>, Inc., the DataPilot people. They felt that Susteen had done the best job of integrating the package into the Windows environment. He said the challenge on such packages was not the phone -- but the integration with Windows to make things happen properly. And that Susteen had done the best job there. He was "not" high on the MOK for two reasons. First, the programming was no where near to the level of DP - and secondly, for the same reason that I started this thread -- it doesn't have data movement capabilities or any of the other DP features.

So (are you still with me ;)) this is what I have decided to do. First, I returned my MOK to the Verizon store I purchased from. Was very impressed with how helpful they have been. I had also bought and returned that accessories kit that can be had for 1/3 the price on the net. Tomorrow, I have a few more questions to ask DP - and if the answers are to my liking, plan to buy the LG1600 DataPilot package.

I should have it by the later part of the week so will report what happens. Oh, BTW, the Verizon store in Roseville that I have been dealing with also double checked the firmware on my phone and found it to be a Version off. It took about 1/2 hour for them to bring it up to Version 3. There are some other numbers there but the 3 is the most important. They said more often than not -- especially it purchased via the Internet, the FW version will not be current. Might be something to check out.

Sorry if I've rambled -- but it you've made it this far -- what can I say.  8)
>>I should have it by the later parrt of the week so will report what happens.

Waiting with anticipation.

I'm not all that eager to change horses.  What I have now works for the essentials.  I can connect to the internet & upload phone numbers even though that's kinda klutzie.

We're in the final packing stages & heading off for a three month saga this morning.

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