limp mode on a 2017 Nissan Rogue

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Aug 14, 2024
NB Canada
I'm not sure if this question is ok, please let me know if it isn't. My friends car 2017 Nissan Rogue will go into limp mode while driving on the highway. Has anyone else experienced this issue and if so what did you find was the cause. Thank you. Wayne
A lot of auto parts stores will scan it for fault codes. Many, many things can cause it. Scanning will narrow it down.
Thank you for your reply on scan it for fault codes. That was tried at the dealership but no codes were present. A mechanic actually was in the car when the limp mode kicked in and still there was no codes. It seems to be a real puzzle. I'll keep watching, someone may have run into this problem. Computers are great when they work. Lol.
I’m having an issue with my 2024 Nissan Altima. For no reason at all the MPG and MPH changes over to Kilometers for no reason at all. No one has ever heard of this. It may last 1 day or 2 month. Sorry to hyjack your thread
I looked up the limp mode online. Seems there are several things that can cause it to happen.
I’m having an issue with my 2024 Nissan Altima. For no reason at all the MPG and MPH changes over to Kilometers for no reason at all. No one has ever heard of this. It may last 1 day or 2 month. Sorry to hyjack your thread
No problem.
I'm not sure if this question is ok, please let me know if it isn't. My friends car 2017 Nissan Rogue will go into limp mode while driving on the highway. Has anyone else experienced this issue and if so what did you find was the cause. Thank you. Wayne
Thanks to everyone for their input, some of the suggestions and information will be passed on. I appreciate the input.
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