Little trouble with the slideout

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Wi1d Bill

Active member
Nov 25, 2012
Several years ago due to freezing cold temperatures I shear the pin on the drive on one side of the slideout.  Pulled the rig into the sun and let it warm up, 
installed a new pin and hadn't had problem til the yesterday.
Getting the trailer ready head out to the southwest, I tried to run the slide out.  Seem it was frozen, temperature was mid 30's.
I had the furnace running to check it out.  After awhile, about 45 minutes, tried the slide again and it went out  normally.  Finished up what I was doing and tried to bring it back into. One end seem to try to come in and the other end didn't.  I thought  that the pin sheared again.
It warmed up a little more today so I crawled under for a look. Pin wasn't sheared. Had the DW try the slide and it would turn a little and bind the motor down.  I put a ratchet on the manual  override and started to hand ratchet it in.  Seemed to move easily so I had the DW hit the switch and it went back in normally.

I was plugged in shore power so it wasn't a low battery.  I use dry slide and WD 40 to lube the rails.

Any thoughts..
Not knowing a lot about the drive mechanisms of slides, as well as never having any problem with my own, it almost sounds like maybe yours is not moving equally on both ends.  Binding up a bit.  And the colder weather might make the binding a bit worse.  Hopefully, someone else with more expertise than I can tell you how to check the slide to make sure it is moving perpendicular and true to the trailer.  And how to make adjustments, if possible.  As well as making sure it is sealing correctly. Both in and out.

The shear pin is protecting the drive motor.  Don't neglect its value.

Maybe more info on the type of rig you have.  Year, make, and model may trigger some replies that may help.
If that is a power gear slide out there are FOUR pins, One at each end of  each square shaft.  There may be additional pins as well but those 4 are the primary ones.

ON some Power gear slideouts (not all) those pins are quarter inch grade 8 bolts with NYLOCK nuts.

Get a bolt that is long enough that the smooth part of the shank goes all the way through then pile on thick washers till you can tighten it down properly.. The person I got that from said to cut off excess bolt .. I do not (His concern was it snagging on something, I have nothing for it to snag).
:-*Wife said "It just getting old, like you!"  HaHa... she's lobbing for a new 5'er... That will happen only when she decides the sticks and bricks has to go and we're full timers.

It suppose to get into the mid 40's tomorrow.  I'll try it again and lube it up good.

Not sure about the four pins you're mentioning, but I"ll look.  Also, I checked to make sure the slideout is equal.  Same number of teeth showing when out or in and the measurements stay the same once it started in on its' own.

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