Locking Topics

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Well-known member
Dec 28, 2017
Dover, DE
I have noticed what I think is a trend in the past several months. While I think the staff ?moderators? do a good job with the administration of this forum, I think some topics are locked a little too quickly. There are times someone may misconstrue a post and before said post can be explained in a more salient fashion, the topic is locked. While I believe name calling and out and out mean behavior should not be tolerated, fact checking should be. After all, where would we be without facts. That?s just my opinion.  :D
As a reader, not moderator, I bet some topics are locked because of responses that get removed before you see them. It gets to be too much to have to watch a topic all the time to delete the offending posts, so they just lock it. I have witnessed that one a few posts I followed closely on a random nothing-else-to-do day. The other reason is history. Certain topics always seem to bring out crazies. I have to admit I prefer quick locking down rather than seeing a bunch of mean spirited posts for a while then locking.
Good point about posts being deleted. Sometimes I come back to a topic after a few hour or days and think why the heck was that locked. I didn?t consider deleted posts. I?m a debater and love a good argument. I tend to look things up. If someone posts something and it looks a bit wonky, I will research it. Not only on one site but many. Opinions are fine as long they are prefaced as an opinion. Thank you for your insight.
I know of one particular topic that was locked after one poster repeatedly posted nasty things that kept being deleted. I trust their judgment, I'm sure there are exceptions,  ut for the most part they only lock a topic after there's no other option.
I have seen threads where posts have been removed....It can be confusing...A response to a removed post appears to be directed at someone else....or the last post before being lock would give the impression that was the reason it was locked...

A simple solution.....

Play Nice

Some of the members on the site may prefer we keep our jokes/funny commentary off the forum. (Not to mention politics, Religion and guns).
And having to spend time removing post and locking threads is the reason they feel that way. For those that didn't see it on a different thread I will repeat it.

It's Their House...It's their Rules..

The RV Forum has become a valuable tool in maintaining my TT. I have learned a lot of things that have save me countless hours.  I also find that it helps me fill my day helping others....  :)Paying it forward :)
RVMommaTo6 said:
I know of one particular topic that was locked after one poster repeatedly posted nasty things that kept being deleted. I trust their judgment, I'm sure there are exceptions,  ut for the most part they only lock a topic after there's no other option.

I totally agree that topic should have locked. There were some very uncalled for replies.
In most cases the locked topics were trending in a wrong direction for several posts prior to being locked -- sometimes there's even a moderator warning. But there have been a few that seemed abrupt, perhaps with deleted posts or such.
UTTransplant hit the nail on the head.

Meanwhile, on the flip side, we get requests to lock topics that we don't necessarily agree with or respond to. In some of those cases, a member has thrown unwanted comments in my direction.
My opinion, there are a handful of members that if THEY don't like the topic, THEY will make SURE the topic is locked. Some of them have been members a very long time. Why they are still members is beyond me. I've even seen some members brag about being kicked off of other boards. If I don't like a topic, I just don't go back to looking for it. Very easy to just move along.
Most of the ones I have seen locked are because of politics and specifically where one poster has offended others, whether or not intentionally.

I think where politics are concerned there are very very strong opinions on both side.  People need to respect each other despite these opinions.

We are always happy when posts go on and folks get a good chat going.

I would suggest everyone is a bit more considerate in their responses.

RVMommaTo6 said:
Great advice, when in doubt, skip saying it!

Where's the fun in that? ;D ;D

jackiemac said:
Unless it's me of course...    ;D

You say something mean???..I'm sure it was a mistake in translations...That English to Scottish can be confusing. ;D
As I'm always reminded by my other half, the equality only works in one direction  ;D
Gizmo100 said:
You say something mean???..I'm sure it was a mistake in translations...That English to Scottish can be confusing. ;D

I have my moments.  :eek:

Yes dialects can be difficult.  Those Welsh folk......  ;D

Also the written word can often be taken in a manner in which it was not meant.
Oldgator73 said:
I have noticed what I think is a trend in the past several months. While I think the staff ?moderators? do a good job with the administration of this forum, I think some topics are locked a little too quickly. There are times someone may misconstrue a post and before said post can be explained in a more salient fashion, the topic is locked. While I believe name calling and out and out mean behavior should not be tolerated, fact checking should be. After all, where would we be without facts. That?s just my opinion.  :D

Facts can be very inconvenient, confusing, and embarrassing to those of us who are never wrong. (Wish there was an emoji for sarcasm. It's my only talent.)
We prefer not to lock topics. We would rather see a topic come back to subject at hand, and the dialogue continue. Some topic "drift" is normal, but some really run off of the rails. Members often will bring the topic back on point. If it gets too far into left field, then the best option is to lock it and move on.
Ditto what Marty said. For years, we used to refer to this as a 'self-moderating' forum; In the way Marty described, when someone went off track, other members (politely) brought the offender and the discussion back on track.
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