Looking at 2001 Georgie Boy

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Dec 18, 2012
We are thinking about buying our first RV and are looking at a 2001 Georgie Boy from an individual.  What should we be looking for in a used RV?  I know that somewhere on this forum I saw a checklist of things to look for when buying a used RV but can't find it now.  The Georgie Boy is a 2001 Pursuit with a Chev engine - one owner with only 15000 miles on it.  We have looked at Georgie Boy rvs before and like the floor plan - this one has only 1 slide but for us first timers I think it would be ok.  Any help would be appreciated.
Hi JakeJenny... and welcome.

There are a myriad of things to look for when purchasing an RV so I'll touch on just a few. There are some extremely knowledgeable RVrs here - some I'm sure with Georgie Boy-specific knowledge whom I'm sure will chime in, but there are some generic things to consider.

I would strongly recommend having an independent (chosen/paid for by you) knowledgeable mechanic go over the drive-train. A pre-buy inspection certainly won't guarantee that there's nothing wrong with the drive-train, but a knowledgeable mechanic might find something wrong, or something that's about to go wrong (i.e. expensive).

Look in all the overhead cabinets for indications of water leaks (stained roof, warped wood cabinets etc).

Look at the age of the tires (stamped on the tires themselves). When tires get to be 6 or 7 years old, you should plan to replace them soon - even if they LOOK okay. (There are lots of postings on this site about tire age issues).

Operate EVERY system in the coach to make sure they work. Run the generator under a full load (all A/Cs) test all the lights (inside and out), check the heater(s), operate the fridge (freezer and fridge), make sure the steps retract, the backup camera works (if it has one) - you understand - everything.

I'm not suggesting that everything has to work as it did when it was new - but if something doesn't work it may give you some wiggle room from which to bargain. Replacing a coach's tires, for example, will likely cost a couple thousand dollars. Repairing/replacing a LP fridge, hundreds (or more).

And of course, drive it. Take it out onto the freeway and see how it drives (a good time to test the cruise-control). Don't be alarmed if it feels... different than your car or SUV, but you shouldn't be exhausted when the test drive is over.

Keep us posted on how it goes, and good luck!


We have a GB on the Chevrolet chassis. Our rig was well taken care of and we have been more than happy with it. If you do get the GB PM me and I'll help you with the GB specific hiding places. I swear sometimes manufacturers say "let's put it here, they'll NEVER find it."

It has the same systems every other RV has. Closely followed by the same headaches every other owner has. It isn't a matter of if something will break, but when. Just about everything is simple to repair. But the only replacement parts I can think of you may have problems finding is the front and end cap. But, that isn't a GB specific problem, it is on all older RVs. Everything else is easy to find.

When we first bought I was concerned about what manufacturers to avoid. A good friend told me that normally the manufacturer bugs have been worked out in just a couple of years. After that, the floor plan will be the big thing.

Plus, everything else Kevin said.
I know nothing about Georgie Boys specifically, so I can't offer anything there. You would likely get some very useful advice with more details on the rig you are considering. Which model, price, etc. To give you some direction here is a link to the NADA page for a 29 with the Chev engine; http://www.nadaguides.com/RVs/2001/Georgie-Boy/M-2905RS-WRKHRS/3020036/Standard-Equipment

Also it has not been mentioned yet but many on this forum would consider the extreme low miles to be a negative. In all likelihood this rig has been sitting unused for extended periods which is not helpful for mechanical items.

Good luck with the process.
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