Looking at these Elandans to buy, opinions. Installing jacks?

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Claudio and Christine

Active member
Dec 27, 2012
i may buy a 37 foot elandan with out hydrolic levelers
would like to know how hard it is to in stall  them
does the elandan have provitions to install
they where an option on 37 foot elandans
just curious....
or should i wait and buy unit with levelers

control box.....hydro tank......pump...jacks.......
do i need a winnebago set up  or can i use after market....???
my email is  [email protected]
or tex me at    772-828-1098

thank you
pennsilvania  $4300.  1989  40k miles no levelers  runs good  paint faided  no stripes
new mexico  $6500.  1989  40k miles?? has levelers  very clean needs starter windshiled{pass side}  and some elec problems
arizona        $4500.  1987  110kmiles has levelers    lots of miles..body rough needs windshield{drivers side} inside ok all works...many new items{ac units 1 year old  alum rad  1 year old..rear air bags new

which one is the one....??    please help    do not have lots of money  also dont want 37 foot junker.....
only one i scared is the 110k miles

my email is  [email protected]
tex at  772-828-1098
What year are these?  I like to see at least 10,000 miles a year put on a vehicle - sitting for years is the absolute worst thing for machinery and equipment.  100,000 miles doesn't necessarily scare me if the vehicle has been maintained and the owner has records.
I added years.
The one in NM may no longer be for sale
The 1987 has 110 k And is in Arizona {has hydro levelers}
The  1989 has  40 k and is in Pennsylvania {no levelers}
The Pennsylvania Elandan looks to be probably the best. Levelers woult probably cost $3,000 to $4,000. What are the tires like?
Level with blocks and call it a day. That's what I do, no big deal.
My question is if I do. Get one with out them are there provisions to install them
Only few came with out them
Or do I cut n weld to install.......?
Putting that much money into a old M/H for only one item might not be cost effective. Many times the first coach that you buy is a learning tool so to speak. When you realze what you really need and like you will move to another one.
It will be very hard to recover your investment.
I used to own a 1988 Itasca Windcruiser...same basic coach as the Elandan. It came from the factory with an air leveling system. The system would level the coach to a point, but was not as good as having electric or hydraulic levelers. However, on an old coach, it would be OK, rather than putting as much money into a leveling system as what you are going to pay for the coach itself. If I were you, I would search for the Windcruiser as well as the Elandan. Like I say, it is the same coach.
I have a 85 Elandan that has HWH levelers(100 series) so your Elandan probably is set up already for levelers as an option.  You can probably find a burned or totaled Elandan at the wrecking yard and remove the levelers and mount them on yours a lot cheaper than buying new ones.  That would be more cost effective for an older rig.
Just my two cents :)
I had levelers installed on my '89 in '89 and was glad I had them however what I think is more important is floor plan, age of tires. working order of appliances, batteries etc and etc.  Levelers would not be a deal breaker if the previous criteria was met. 

Don G. WIT 70041
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