Just got off my first real road trip with the new Banks Stinger on my 1995 Chevy 454 TBI. Results are very impressive. The Stinger System consists of the Air Intake and the Exhaust at a cost of $900. I installed the whole thing in about 8 hours, but I'm far from mechanically inclined, although with a RV, I'm finding the need to improve my skill set!
I live in Utah, where a drive to the grocery store consists of a 6% grade
I drove to Souther Utah this past weekend with a loaded trailer of ATV's. For the first time since owning my RV, I was not the one going up the hills with my flashers on and driving on the shoulder of the road allowing people to pass me. This time I was passing other RV's as well as Semi's, and not creating a road block in the process. There was one time, where I was just enjoying the drive and looked down to find I was doing 80 MPH and it was running like a champ. I don't like traveling that fast with that much weight, so I quickly backed it down, but it was nice to know could if I needed to.
In addition to the added power there were 2 other huge benefits for me. First was increased gas mileage. Last year on the same roads, I got 6.5 MPG, this time I got 7.75 MPG. I think most of this gain was from being able to actually use the OD this time, last year I had to stay in 3rd 98% of the time because of the lack of power. The other benefit was for the rest of the family.. Because the engine wasn't working nearly as hard, the inside noise was reduced by a factor of 4 in my opinion. We could comfortably carry on a conversation, and I could be irratated by the kids video games and cartoons
Long story short, for me, it was the best $900 I spent on my coach, aside from the new tires.