Looking for campgrounds in/around Balitimore, Maryland

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Well-known member
Nov 30, 2005
Northern Neck of VA
Well, I'm hoping someone has some information they can share with me. I've searched the internet with few results. I'm not real familiar with Baltimore, but I'm looking for a campground or RV park within a short drive to the University of Maryland-Baltimore Campus. Our kids have a swim meet there in a couple of weekends, and we want to use the RV instead of paying for a hotel for 2 nights. Hopefully we could find something within a half hour's drive from the Baltimore campus. Are any of you familiar with the area and can you suggest somewhere? It doesn't have to be fancy, but does need full hook-ups for our TT. Thanks, LuAnn
There's not many to choose from. There's Patapsco Valley State Park and Dunes Edge Campground (508-487-9815). Both are just off 70, one exit west of 695. Haven't stayed at either.  They're the closest in. There is also Morris Meadows (410-357-4088) off 84 just before the PA state line. Stayed there a couple of years ago--pretty nice, but 45+ min to downtown.

I'll check them out. We live in King George, VA and it just makes it a little easier on the kids (10 & 12) if they don't have to get up so early in the morning and drive to the meet. They start warm-ups for the morning session at 7:30am, so if we can get a little closer we don't have to leave quite so early. I found a KOA in Millersville, MD and there is camping available on post at Ft. Meade in MD (we're a retired Navy family). Is anyone familiar with either of these places? I think they're each roughly a 25 minute drive from the campus, but not sure on that. Thanks for the info. on these other places!

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