Looking to add satellite for 2013

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New member
Mar 21, 2009
I am considering adding a satellite dish to the coach for 2013
and we seriously need an over the air antenna replacement.

We have an HD TV in the living room of the coach and another
HD TV in the rear bedroom.

I am currently looking at the kingdome air 3200 model dome
and receivers for Dish network. 

Not sure if i should get separate receivers or a single duel receiver.

Any advice would be appreciated.

Hoosier House Car Driver
I have a Kingdome antenna which I hate with a passion. Not only did I have to pay $140 to switch it from Direct to Dish when I bought the MH, but I've never found an adequate solution to the rain on dome problem. I've waxed it, armor all'd it, dish soaped it, 303'd it, and never found a way to watch tv when it's raining. It also does not support more than one channel at a time, requires ONLY a 311 Dish box which must be bought separately, purchase only, $149 from Dish, they do not rent them. This Kingdome antenna came on a 2007 Beaver. I have a Kvh dome on my boat with works flawlessly.

I'm sure there are newer models of Kingdome antenna which support multiple boxes, work in the rain and are the cat's pajammas. I'll never know, because I will never purchase another Kingdome product.

$140 to switch from Direct to Dish? Yes, it requires a special control box which they will sell you for $250 or $290. Or you can buy the box, use it to change your antenna control and then send it back paying the $140 "restocking fee". What a racket.

I will change to an open array dish probably in the spring and take great joy in smashing the POS to pieces.

Just my humble opinion, others may vary.

We have a Kingdome that came with our 2006 Tradewinds and sometimes it will connect in a few minutes and others it can take 15minutes of messing around. It is going to get replaced at QZ in January.
Rain is a problem on any dome-type satellite antenna. There are fancy models that have heaters to disperse morning dew or condensation, but no dome has "windshield wipers" for rain. If rain is a problem for the areas you RV in and tv is a major factor in your RVing lifestyle, then you want a open face dish rather than a dome. Plus, you can get the optional full HD service on DirectTV if you have a open-face dish, but not on any dome antenna.

Sounds to me as though you should be looking at an automatic, roof-mount open dish like the Winegard Trav'ler.

You need two tuners if you want to be able to get different channels on two tvs simultaneously. Plus additional tuners if you want a DVR to be able to recrod in parallel with tv-watching. Whether you get that in one receiver with mutiple tuners or seprate tuners is mostly a matter of choice and where the coax from the dish/dome runs. Mine has one coax to the bedroom and one to the front, so two receivers works best for me. Others have both coax run to the same spot, so a dual tuner receiver is easiest.
When we purchased our MH it had the Kingdome on it and we had it replaced right away with the Winegard Traveler Dish.  We had this one on our other coach and it fit our needs perfectly!  We have both like to watch different things sometimes and with the 2 receivers it works!  We have dishnetwork and with them letting us put it on pause when we're at our stick house works for us too!  I would highly recommend the Traveler instead of a Kingdome!  With the push of a button we can almost always get reception!  I'm all for easy!!!  Just my 2 cents worth!
We just bought our MH and a VERY knowlegable tech at Lazy Days had nothing but bad words for the Kingdome that was already on the MH. He did succeed in getting it to work on Dish, but was emphatic in endorsing the Travl'r I plan to install in the near future.

We've had great results from the Travl'r on our last MH, particularly when it rained, but any antenna will see interference if it rains hard enough.

I would like to add a satellite also. There use to be one on the roof. I can tell by the poorly caulked holes! The satellite connection wire is still up there taped together. Not sure if the wire connect will hook up to a new system? Kind of leery about adding more holes in my roof!
Any suggestions?

Scott  :)
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