Looking to purchase, need advice

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New member
Feb 4, 2013
I have been thinking of purchasing a small used RV.  I'm not actually sure if what I'm interested in is a Class B or Class C - I have gotten a lot of conflicting information as to what is what.  I have looked at a Rialta and really liked it.  What I'm wondering is if anyone has any words on wisdom on the Rialta or something similar.  The fuel economy is important to me; I have heard that Rialtas get about 17 mpg, and am looking for other RVs in about that same range.

Welcome to RVForum. 

Class B or C?  ???    Being a trailer type, I could not say myself.

Click HERE and see what wiser heads on the forum have said on the matter.
I had a Winnebago Vista on a VW chassis.  It was an excellent concept - put a small RV on a van that gets good gas mileage.  It was nice for driving to the mall etc, but other than that it was a nightmare.  I had about 2-300 lbs carrying capacity with all tanks empty.  It leaked like a Winnebago.  Burned out transmissions were fairly common.  Every time I got something fixed on it, another thing would break.  It took nine trips to the RV dealer to be able to put gas in it.  The Check Engine light was a regular occurence. 

The Rialta is a sister RV.  It looks cool and has a cult following, but the VW Eurovan chassis just isn't up to the job.  You'll pay more than book for one unless you're lucky.  If you get one, you'll need to join a user's group to keep up with the problems you'll have.  Maintenance would have cost me a lot more if I hadn't joined the Vista user's group.  Good luck!  :)
Good gas mileage and RV don't belong in the same sentence. Yes there are a few RVs that get between 15 and 20 miles per gallon but there are a lot of trade offs to get that kind of mileage. Storage space is the first thing to go since as 00buck pointed out they have very little carrying capacity. The insides are extremely cramped. Very little space for anything. If there are two of you it gets really crowded. Especially if you are somewhere and it rains for a week. The holding tanks and fresh water tanks, if you have them are extremely small.

However there are a few people here on this forum that own a class B and love them.

A class C would be a lot better option if you want to become a serious RVer. If you only want to go camping once or twice a year for a weekend or two then you might not have a problem with a class B. But any more than that and a C would probably serve you much better.

My bottom line advice is to rent a very small class C for a weekend and see how you like it.

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