Lost zone 2 on comfort control after factory reset

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Saab guy

Well-known member
Sep 6, 2015
Hi I did a factory reset on my 2002 HR endeavor DP and zone 2 never came back on T/Stat screen. Front unit works fine but furnace out in rear cked 3amp fuse on both and connections on t/stat and both units. Not sure where to go from here. Thanks Bill
Is this the Atwood Comfort Control or the Dometic branded version? There are several models with the "comfort Control" label, so we need to know which specific tstat you have.  A photo would be good to help get us all on the same page.

The zones are usually set with Dip switches but the zone controls on each a/c unit have to be set properly as well. Presumably the zone controls didn't change, but maybe one has a problem?

Did you try resetting the Tstat a second time?  Most Comfort Controls display the zones it detects during the reset, e.g. when "Init" is displayed. Did yours show two zones then?
Hi Gary, I see Duo therm which I think is dometic 5 button with suburban furnaces. Both where working fine when we where here last weekend. When I turn t/stat on last night when we arrived both zones were displayed but only turn zone 1 on.
Many devices defalut to "One zone only" when you do a "Factory Reset" if yours is one of 'em the Fine Manual (Factory Manual, Owner's manual) should tell you how to recover.

Though I have no "Multi-Zone" T-stats I have other devices both in car and RV that do the same thing when they get re-set. I have to dig out the )(*@#)$& manual and re-read the "Add function" section.

Some of 'em I just P-Touch the panel with that procedure.. Will do that when I get the Remote for my new inverter installed.. I wish normally to DISABLE one function.. The old inverter you toggeled a switch on this one it is MENU. Select the right menu fiunction and enabler or disabler it from there. and of course the labels are reversed (Off is on and AUTO is off). Oh well.
All the "Comfort Control" models I'm familiar with will try to activate all zones after a reset, and display the zone number(s) they found.  Some older models may have used Dip switches, though, which is why I asked the specific model.  Based on Saab's reply, it appears his did sense the second zone.

When I turn t/stat on last night when we arrived both zones were displayed but only turn zone 1 on.
I take it that the tstat now does display info for both zones?  And the problem is that Zone #2 doesn't turn on heat or a/c, no matter how the controls are set?  Is it displaying the right temperature for the zone?  Please provide more detail on what you have tried, how it responds (or not), and what is displayed on the tstat.

Does yours look like this?

This Troubleshooting sheet for the 5-button may help:

It occurs to me that the tstat won't respond to a zone that is offline, i.e. the zone control module (usually built into or adjacent to the a/c for the zone) has no power or is disconnected (cable to thermostat unplugged or broken).
Hi Gary and thanks for the help. Mine does look like the one in the picture and since the reset mine only shows zone 1 zone 2 is missing. I think we had this looked at,a year or so and the did something to repair it. We brought the coach home today and will call them tomorrow. I will let you know what they find.

Thanks again all for the help Bill
Your recent previous message said "When I turn t/stat on last night when we arrived both zones were displayed", so I thought there had been some improvement since your original message.

The most likely scenario is that the cable to Zone 2 has lost contact, maybe just corrosion on the connections.
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