LP tank leaking

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Jan 11, 2013
I have found a leak on my propane tank on my 2003 tioga 30ft rv. The leak is on the bolt to the left of the fill valve where the gauge that reads how full the tank attaches. The bolt looks to be in good shape but it is leaking from the threads once I empty tank can I remove bolt and and use some sort of thread sealant or pipe dope to reseal it . I am not familiar with propane tanks any suggestions thank you.
Your best bet is to take the tank to a propane distributor, one like Suburban with the huge tanks in the yard and trucks that deliver to retail customers.  They repair tanks all the time and have the parts and experience to do the job right.

You don't have to remove the tank, just call them in advance and take the motorhome there.
Lou Schneider said:
Your best bet is to take the tank to a propane distributor, one like Suburban with the huge tanks in the yard and trucks that deliver to retail customers.  They repair tanks all the time and have the parts and experience to do the job right.

You don't have to remove the tank, just call them in advance and take the motorhome there.

And... they can remove the LP gas and make repairs that satisfy your liability too.. then refill it after testing and certifying it's safety.

I got some info from a local rv shop. He said to remove plug after it is empty in order to do so you have to drop the tank and turn it vertical so you don't break off the float attached to the plug then cleaned plug and put some pipe dope and put plug back in. I filled tank with a couple gallons and it is holding up well so far but tank is reading full maybe after I fill it all the way the float will reset I will post an update later . I hope this helps someone and thanks for the replies.
The float is usually connected to the fill valve, so that it can auto-shutoff when full (actually the 80% level). Is that bolt hold the fill valve in place, or is it something else?
@ gary. The float is attached to the large bolt to the left of the fill valve it has a rod about 3in. Long and 3in.  float attached to the rod. When the tank is empty and installed in the rv the float falls making an L shape if you try to remove it it will hit fill valve and break the float you have to remove tank and roll it so all valves are facing to the sky then remove the bolt with the float attached.I may have to remove it again to reposition the float if so I will post some pics.
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