MCD Shades

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Moderator Emeritus
Mar 9, 2005
Home base-Kernville, CA
The installer just left and we now have all new MCD shades in the coach from the drivers/passenger seats back.  We will do the front part of the coach after my hubby, Tim, remodels and installs a new flat screen TV.

These shades are WONDERFUL.  I've been a supporter of the day/night shades, but these are a great improvement.  We've had this coach for over 10 years and just last year one of our day/night shades string broke, then just recently, another.  We were going to just replace them with new day/night shades but after comparing prices decided in the MCDs.

So if you are thinking about getting them, this is another endorsement.  They are pricey, but worth it.

Did you decide to say with the manual or get the nice electric ones?
I'd love to see those. It seems that the coaches I put flooring in, they all leave and go there after I'm thru.
We just swapped out all our pleated shades and drapes for MCD Shades, what a difference it has made.  We now use our windows as it is so easy to raise and lower the shades, the pleated shades were a pain to operate and thus avoided.

We bought our Shades at the Tampa RV show and got free shipping.  The hardest part of the process was getting the correct measurements for the Winshield, Charlie at MCD wouldn't let me off the phone until he was comfortable that it was right.  He had me send pictures of the Dash and front seating area.  Took Fran and I two days to install.

All our MCD Shades are manual except for the Windshield, I wanted all electric with Remote Control but my wife has seen me with the TV Remote.

We too just had MCD"S installed and could not be happier. Next on the list is a res fridge.
Something no one has mentioned about the MCD shades.
A couple of years ago we weren't able to leave CO as early as we wanted and the evenings were getting pretty chilly. It is amazing how much heat is retained when both day and night shades are put down. Especially sitting on the couch next to that long window. You can immediately feel the chill go away.

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