MCD Tension shade repair

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Well-known member
Apr 9, 2005
Benson , AZ.
Our MCD shades are of the generation 3, and MCD no longer has parts.  One of the shades, a tension vs. motorized style is having an issue of not staying down.  It will stay once you can get it to catch, but it is having an issue with the pawls catching.  MCD has been helpful in ID-ing the gen, but no longer really support this as they no longer have parts, and what they told me, is the source no longer is viable.

So, it looks like either adjust, fix or replace.  Has anyone dismantled?  I am wondering if the tension portion a=can be lubed?  Wonder if it is a sticky situation or is it more likely worn? 

After conversing with MCD and Davis Cabinets, a dealer, it is apparent there are no replacement parts available for the manual generation 3 shades.  Two options.  1 Order new duo, remove the new fabric, reattach the the old fabric to new roller.  2.  Order two new shades with our choice of fabric and just update.  well option 3 is continue to mess with the shade to get it to stay down.  This is the plan until we land for the summer.


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