Microwave working but nothing else

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New member
Sep 27, 2018
I have a 2014 Evergreene Amped toy hauler.  It is plugged into shore power however the only thing working is the microwave.  I have reset the outlets, checked fuses, plugged it into a generator and still nothing else is working.  Does anyone have any idea what could possibly be wrong? 
Do you have a 30 or 50 Amp RV? You said the microwave works so you are getting power to at least one component in the RV. 
You said you checked the fuses.  Did you also check all the circuit breakers? Check them by shutting them off, then flip them back on. Sometimes it's hard to see if they are tripped.
Have you checked your battery?  With shore power disconnected (very important) check the voltage of your battery with a digital volt meter. Tell us the results.
Then plug back into shore power and check the battery again. This will tell you if the converter is working and tell us what you read.
Another question is shore power or generator. Inverter or not.  Hands on this takes about 10 minutes tops to figure out. Hands off many exchanges and many people less we get lucky.

Im in Michigan THumb area if you are close. (I won't get more specific).
Welcome to The RV Forum!

What do you mean by "nothing else works"?  Lights?  Refrigerator, water pump, etc?

What these things have in common is they use the 12 volt electrical system.  The microwave only uses 120 volts so it will work with or without 12 volt power.

Check the voltage on your 12 volt battery.  Is it good?  If so, do you have a master disconnect switch that shuts off 12 volt power to the house?  Sometimes this is called a "salesman switch" because RV salesmen use it when showing a coach to make sure everything is off.  Or maybe you have a corroded connection on the battery that's blocking power.

If your battery is run down, it could be your converter isn't operating.  It's supposed to supply 12 volts when you're plugged into power or into a generator to supply 12 volts to run stuff and keep the batteries charged.

Let us know what you find out!
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