Moab 2005 attendee list

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Moderator Emeritus
Jan 29, 2005
Home is where we park it
Following are changes that I'm aware of.  There may be other changes

1 Chet Parks 5/01-5/11        Darrigo 5/01-5/11
2 Bullock 4/28-5/11
3 Brewer 4/28-5/08
4 Ruward 4/28-5/11
5 ??                                    Underhill 5/01-5/11
6 Mahoney 5/01-5/11
7 Reiter 5/01-5/11
8 Fitzgerald 4/28-5/11
9 Woods 4/28-5/11
10 Marabito 5/01-5/08 (subsequently extended to 5/11)
11 Johnson 5/01-5/11
12 Miller 5/01-5/11
13 Lynch 5/01-5/11
14 Jones 5/01-5/11
15 Dobrin 4/28-5/11
20 Thomas 5/01-5/08
23 Spiller 5/02-5/11
24 Lassen 5/02-5/06
25 Dicks 5/01 - 5/11                  Sharp 5/01-5/11
28 ???
36 Mooneyham 5/01-5/11

Mike has reservations but I'm not sure which sight.  Maybe he can get Underhills if its still available

Feel free to update as appropriate.
Following are changes that I'm aware of.  There may be other changes

Moab 2005 list
1 Chet Parks 5/01-5/11        Darrigo 5/01-5/11
2 Bullock 4/28-5/11
3 Brewer 4/28-5/08
4 Ruward 4/28-5/11
5 ??                                    Underhill 5/01-5/11
6 Mahoney 5/01-5/11
7 Reiter 5/01-5/11
8 Fitzgerald 4/28-5/11
9 Woods 4/28-5/11
10 Marabito 5/01-5/08 (subsequently extended to 5/11)
11 Johnson 5/01-5/11
12 Miller 5/01-5/11
13 Kuch                                    Lynch 5/01-5/11
14 Jones 5/01-5/11
15 Dobrin 4/28-5/11
20 Thomas 5/01-5/08
23 Spiller 5/02-5/11
24 Lassen 5/02-5/06
25 Dicks 5/01 - 5/11                  Sharp 5/01-5/11
28 ???
36 Mooneyham 5/01-5/11

Mike has reservations but I'm not sure which sight.  Maybe he can get Underhills if its still available

Feel free to update as appropriate.

Thanks, Ron.

13 Lynch is replaced by Kuch


We have taken over the site from the Underhills. This confirmed by Annie form Portal Valley for 5/1-5/11 2005

Chris & Mimy Pennings
Looking forward to seeing you there Chris and Mimy.
Have updated the Moab 2005 attendees list to include changes that I am aware of.

Moab 2005 list
1  Chet Parks 5/01-5/11        Darrigo 5/01-5/11
2  Bullock 4/28-5/11
3  Brewer 4/28-5/08
4  Ruward 4/28-5/11
5  Pennings  5/01 - 5/11      Underhill 5/01-5/11
6  Mahoney 5/01-5/11
7  Reiter 5/01-5/11
8  Fitzgerald 4/28-5/11
9  Woods 4/28-5/11
10 Marabito 5/01-5/11       
11 Johnson 5/01-5/11
12 Miller 5/01-5/11
13 Kuch                                Lynch 5/01-5/11
14 Jones 5/01-5/11
15 Dobrin 4/28-5/11
20 Thomas 5/01-5/08
23 Spiller 5/02-5/11
24 Lassen 5/02-5/06
25 Dicks 5/01 - 5/11              Sharp 5/01-5/11
35 Mike 5/01 - 5/11
36 Mooneyham 5/01-5/11

Feel free to update as appropriate.

Thanks, Ron.

Nobody is in the field so far?

BTW maybe we need to spread the dishes out so everyone can get online  ;D
Looks we have the park pretty well covered.  There will be a Internet dish in the following spaces  I think everybody can get on if they want to.

1 Chet Parks
2. Phil Bullock
3, Brewers
4 Ruward

6. Mahoney
7. Reiter

10 Marabito
11 Johnson

14 Jones

I see you planned that very well Ron  ;D

If we get folks who have to camp in the field, someone from your list should volunteer to give up their hookup site and move to the fielld so the boondockers can get online. But don't look at me - I kept the boondockers company last year. ;D
I think whoever is closest to the Boondock area is responsible to see that they have access. ;D ;D  Looking at the park map I think it would be site 14 ;D ;D :) ;) :D
I knew there was a reason Phil put me in that site  :(  Can I claim exemption on the basis of my antenna being lower, and I therefore have a weaker signal?

You need one of these:
Tom said:
Can I claim exemption on the basis of my antenna being lower, and I therefore have a weaker signal?

Nope!  You have until the end of April to get a bigger and better wifi antenna.  :p

BTW, most of this thread is about the 2005 rally.  Maybe some of the stuff could be moved?

LOL Ned, I was talking about my lower (to the ground) dish. Come to think of it, your dish is higher than mine.
I was just thinking the same thing Phil. I'll get the respective bits moved into two topics.
OK Phil et al, I've sliced and diced and recombined into two threads. Anyone who posts in the wrong one will be sentenced to boondocking at Moab. ;D

Well guess who, just as I was posting this message, posted 2006 stuff in this 2005 thread! Phil, you get the field.  :(

It doesn't matter where the DW antenna is, it's the AP antenna that counts.  Your rig would look good with that WiFi vertical on the roof :D
It doesn't matter where the DW antenna is, it's the AP antenna that counts.

I knew that  ::) I also knew you wouldn't let me get away with that as an excuse  ;D
Hi to 2005 Moab attendees

A reminder to the Red Hat women that we plan to go to town for lunch wearing our red hats one day during the trip so come prepared.? I also? learned a few birthday games on the Mexico caravan that I think you will all want to learn.? Terry is not as excited as I am about these games but he is one of the birthday boys during the rally so he will just have to put up with my organization.? Girls just wanna have fun!!!!!

Betty brewer :)

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