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Tin man

Well-known member
Feb 20, 2011
Long island NY
Will be in the Claremont/Orlando area Outdoor Resorts RV. Would like to have some work on the RV. Install a awning over door and windows. New cb antenna, and not having to drive to Campers World or Lazy Days.

Any suggestions? Experiences?
I'd get settled into the campground first, if you have time because there's often a fulltimer in the park that earns extra income doing just this type of work.  Not only is it very convenient to have it done camp-side, but you often get higher quality work at lower prices.  Just a suggestion.  Good luck and hopefully the weather holds for you, although we've got another cold front moving in tomorrow from what I hear.
I have not had much luck with local park handymen for anything other than the simplest tasks, but have had a lot of success finding good mobile repair people by asking at campground offices. Typically, they know who is reliable. They also have a vested interest in not recommending someone who does not do good work. I have used Camping Connection (Kississimee) mobile services several times with good results.
I agree with Odie. We have never gone wrong asking the campground people. They don't want angry customers if they recommend some doofus.
Thanks folks.. Great suggestions. In the Keys now will not be there for another two weeks.  I'll check out Camping Connection.  Need to replace the front windshield as well.  When it rains it pours!!!!!

Alaska in July and August who knows what that will bring us. 

Tin man said:
Need to replace the front windshield as well. 
Alaska in July and August who knows what that will bring us. 

Maybe another new windshield? :)
We have had great success with several major and minor issues by asking the campground folks, as Odie and Bruce pointed out. Many of the CG folks are workampers, and they, too, have a strong interest in finding and recommending good repair people.

And those repair folks often come in specialty areas, too, which is important, when you want some focused expertise.

Good luck!


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