Montana 3750FL

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Well-known member
Jan 23, 2012
Ocean City, MD
We currently own a 97 Fleetwood Southwind Storm 34S.  It's a great RV that works really well as a beach house every spring and summer, however, we are looking for more room.  My lovely Bride and I went to the Philly RV show and fell in love with the floor plan on the 3750FL Keystone Montana. I'm looking for a 2010-2012 to make the budget work out with my motor home as a trade in. 

Any comments on the unit?  Pros/cons, are you happy with the rig or wish you never climbed aboard?



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Our 3750FL is the 5th RV that we have owned over the years. We purchsed it 2 year ago for the reason that from our experience we liked the floor plan and we have been happy with it. In fact, we like it better than any of our previous RV's.

We live in Colorado and travel all 12 months of the year, in almost all states West of the Midwest. We often have guests vistiing where we stop for a night or more and the front living room is adequate for space while visiting. Also the visiting continues while the wife is in the kitchen without interuption when handy. We like the two entry doors that permit entrance and exit from the bedroom and bathroom without going through the kitchen or living room. We also like to be able to stop on trips for lunch or restroom use without having to open any of the slides.

In cold weather (we do camp in zero temps often) we have learned that keeping the bedroom slides in while in day time, and living room slides in at night, helps to provide more heat where needed with less gas use. The same is true for AC use. In the daytime we often use only the Kitchen/front living room AC. Then at night we often use only the rear bedroom/bath AC with the door between the bath and kitchen closed. We do use both AC's when needed, expecially to cool the bedroom perhaps a half hour before bed time whe the bedroom has been closed all day in hot weather. The 3750FL is very comfortable in both cold weather in the mountains in winter and hot weather in Texas in summer. We have been in Texas for a weeks at time with temp over 100 every day and in the Colorado Mountains over weekends with temp never above zero.

This is the first front living room unit that we have owned and we would buy another. We normally have kept each RV for over 10 years. I don't expect to trade this one soon but if I do I will look for another 3750FL or similar. So far we believe that this is the best we have ever owned and very happy with it.
I'm not a 5th wheel owner and don't anticipate owning one any time soon, but I walked through one at the local RV show a few weeks ago.  What a refreshing change!  After walking through dozens of 5Ws and not really being able to tell any difference between them, this front living room really stood out and my wife and I both really liked it.
I am a 5th wheel owner.  We saw this model in Quartzsite in Jan and we all (several friends with us) felt the same way jagnweiner stated "what a refreshing change" for a 5th wheel. 

If I were in the market right now, this unit would be near the top in my "look see".
It's interesting, I was trying to think about why I liked the LR forward layout so much more than the others, and I honestly have no idea, other than that it was different.  It does seem that it made both the LR and the BR seem a little more spacious to me, but again, I'm not quite sure why.

"Different" isn't always good; there was a gas class A (don't remember which brand) at the show that had a door closing off the LR from the kitchen and it struck me as one of the dumbest looking floorplans I had ever seen.

I assume there must be some kind of trade-off that comes with the 3750FL's unique floorplan, but as a non-5W afficionado, I don't know what it is.  I would be interested in hearing the thoughts of more knowledgeable folks.
I don't own a Montana 5'er, but I will say that they are quite popular here in the Midwest. It seems like every other 5th wheel I see in camp grounds is a Montana.  :eek:
I've got a Montana Big Sky with the rear living rm.  Fronts are nice, like the open floor plan.  I've been on the Montana Owners Forum and in my opnion this forum is by far much more friendly,  they seem to lack a good sense of humor.  Really do like my 5er.
Gary, don't forget to same some of that budget for a TV for that Montana.  The 3750 is one of the heavier, so you're really talking dually territory to handle the weight safely.  We had the smaller 2 slide 2955RL, but upgraded to a Redwood.  We looked at the Front Living Room layouts and decided it just wasn't for us, seems they are either a Love it or Hate it type of floor plan.  There are a lot of folks on the Montana Forum that have the 3750 and all love them.  So go for it and have fun.
We have a 3750Fl, this is our 3rd 5th wheel, we love the floor plan and the room. We are just back from a 15,000 mile trip it is a great floor plan if you plan to spend a lot of time in your 5th wheel.
oh i am glad to have found this discussion, as dh and i have found a 2011 montana forward lounge model we really like a whole lot.
it also has the dual doors and the washer/dryer, both important features for us.

i do wonder if i have enough truck to safely haul and stop it though.
what do you think?
2001 F350 diesel dually 4x4 7.3 liter turbo full crew cab--has under 50 thousand miles on it so i hope it'll do the job. if not i'll trade up to a 550 i suppose.

also the 2011 i found in northern vermont is for sale for 47 thousand.  good deal or not so much?
thanks very much!
also the 2011 i found in northern Vermont is for sale for 47 thousand.  good deal or not so much?
thanks very much!

Try here:

It is not the bible but should give you a good starting place for pricing. Don't add any options on a used unit....
We looked at this floor plan at a RV show and didn't like it. The reason being, we have stayed in some very nice back in sites in our travels with fantastic views of lakes, rivers and mountains and with the front living our view would be of a parking lot of campers. It is so nice to come into the rig and have a beautiful view out all of our back glass. But, that's why they make so many floor plans. Not everyone likes the same thing.
kayjansen, I was interested to read your post. I guess I'm not the only one. For months now I have not posted anything on the Montana Owners Forum. Shortly after I joined I was very rudely,even obscenely insulted for posting a polite, truthfull, report that was useful information for any RVer. I never posted another.

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