Montana Landing Gear Fuse Location

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New member
Nov 17, 2012
I have a 2009 3150RL Montana fifth wheel, while taking the trailer off the truck the front landing gear and the rear stabilizer jacks stopped working at the same time like a fuse was blown.  I can still use the remote control to raise and lower both the landing gear and the rear stabilizer jacks, but he manual switches at the front will not work.  Thinking it was an inline fuse of some sort I started at the manual switches and have worked my way back to the remote control circuit board and I cannot find the the in line fuse?

Does anyone know where or if there is a in line fuse on the Montana that controls both the landing gear and rear stabilizer jacks?

Thanks for your help 
Sorry for the dumb question and no offense meant but have you looked in the breaker/fuse panel inside the living quarters?

My thoughts are that it would have to be on the inbound hot wire to the switches and preferrably it should be as close to where the power comes off the battery as possible so it might not be anywhere near the switches themselves.

Post back if you find the thing.
I had this problem happen to me!!  It is located in your storage bin where the hydro lift fluid is located it is inline with the wires to the battery.  It took me a while to figure that out cause it is not normal place.  Look at all your wires and you will see it.  If you don't see it I will take a picture for you and if I can post I will....

But the next thing will really surprise is a 40 amp fuse!!!! It took me a while, but I need find one.  If you can not find one, I will be glad to mail you one....

Thanks for the information I'm still having a the same problem.  It's odd that when I attach a jumper cable from the manual switch - side to the chassis for a secondary ground the jack worked.  I can't find the fuse so far but will continue to look at it.

If you gave it a new ground path and it worked, there is nothing wrong with your fuse. You need to clean/tighten the ground(s).

Thanks bill I went out and cleaned all the ground connection and it still won't work.  Connecting a jumper from the neg - to a ground post on the trailer frame will make both sets of jack work, the front landing gear and the back stabilizers.  I've been told it's possible the rocker switch might have a faulty ground?  Is that possible?

At this point I'm getting ready to connect a new ground wire from the neg - on the transmitter panel to ground bolt on the frame of the trailer and call it good?

On my mountaineer, the fuse is on the wire bundle inline from the power distribution block. I believe it is the power lead to the switch.
I would look further as to why it lost it's ground path. Have you already determined that a new ground at the transmitter panel also makes it work?

A new ground does make both the jacks work correcting the problem, I don't know where else to look for a grounding issue.  I have been told that the rocker switch that moves operates the jacks could cause a ground issue, but don't know this to be true nor have I tested it.  I find it hard to believe that both switches would have a grounding problem at the same time. 

I have ordered a new six connection rocker switch in case I wanted to try that.

Thanks for your help.
I?m having a similar problem with my 2011 Montana, but when it happens, my slides would not work either. They all would with the remote control (thank God for it). When I checked it out, I found the 40 amp fuse (located above the circuit board & next to the 5 amp fuse) was blown.  Both fusible links are located above the circuit board on my unit.

The dealer was no help. I later found that the fusible links were bundled together with other wires and crimped by a wire type nut.  When I pulled on the wires one of the fusible links came out of the bundle.  I separated them all and re-wrapped them which solved my problem with the blowing the 40 amp fuse.

While on my latest camping trip the landing gear and slides quit working again. This time the fuses were ok but they were not getting power. I found that the fuses get their power from the circuit board (I also noticed that the ground goes through the circuit board to). When I bypassed the circuit board everything would work. For now I relocated the fusible links to the power side of the circuit board that operates the remote control. Long story short, I believe the circuit board is bad.

Hope this helps and does anyone know where I can get a new circuit board without going through the dealer and paying a fortune?


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