More from Joe, serious this time

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Moderator Emeritus
Feb 1, 2005
On September 21st, Wednesday I suffered a stroke.  I consider myself lucky for piecing the events together, I apparently suffered the stroke a few days before?..probably while sleeping. 

Thus I was not aware of it.  All I can recall was having a headache and my vision was somewhat blured. 

In this condition I drove myself around the town doing errands.  I also read a book (tried to read but didn?t seem to keep my attention?.. I thought I was bored with the book (or couldn?t get interested in it). 

So? since September 21st I have been in the hospital.  I was released yesterday (29th) 

I seem to be doing very well with only two minor problems.  My vision needs some ?adjusting?.  If you place a pencil over the right side of a word? you will get a sense of what I see?. You know the word doesn?t stop where the pencil ?hides it.  And, I have the tendency to try and ?peek? at the rest of the word that is hidden by the pencil. 

This is good.  In other words, my natual reaction is to swing my head to the side to search out the missing field of vision. 

The second problem?.is again correctable with some speech therapy. 

For example, what you are reading is my ability to maintain my thought process?. If I don?t think about it? my thoughts occur naturally and my speech is ?normal?. 

However, if I do think about it? then I stumble over the word.  This happens usually when I am trying to pronounce a word that is not part of my vocabuly.  Being a rotten speller doesn?t maters much<grin> 

I will be answering your letters (a bit behind as you can imagine)? 

We will be leaving for Denver, CO on October 4th?.. Until then we will not be online?. 
-joe nomad 2-
Joseph Lacey (Nomad 2)
Thanks for sharing that Ned. Sorry to hear about Joe's medical problem. But it's good to see that he retains his sense of humor in addition to his ability to get himself in trouble and talk about it.
I'm sure there will be more from Joe in the near future.  He's using the writing as therapy and I told him to keep the messages coming.  I'll post any that are interesting to his many friends here.

Chet and I were just wondering yesterday what Joe was doing. Thanks for the update. We all hope he will overcome this setback and be an active again as he was in the past. If you have Joe's email please let us know.

Ned, Ron, Jim,

Joe is now reading messages here, although he may not necessarily notice a message buried in a topic.
Joe wasn't sure it he could get back here, so I'm happy to see he found his way.

Jim, see your personal messages for the email address.  The improvement from his first email to the latest showed a great improvement in his communications.  I think he'll be just fine.  Now he just has to find a good way out of Denver :)
As I've admitted before, Ned, I've never met Joe, but I have enjoyed his reports on predicaments he's found himself in. 

As I read your other "Joe" posts before this thread, I had mixed feeling over his reference to B.C. stroke--and now I'm saddened by the news in this thread.

However, seeing his sense of humour persist through this latest predicament and his openness to address the matter augers well for his future post-stroke.  I wish him and Cricket well.


:) Hi Ned. Sorry to hear about your problem. I usually go to Spain for the Winter's. But last year I had a Men's check up. They asked me if I knew I had any heart attacks. I said 4 or 5 years ago I had some severe chest pains that I had put down to too much Tennis and excercise causing torn chest muscles. They confirmed after all the tests that I had suffered several attacks and I had a small problem with the left ventricle. They said seeing as it was not causing problems while excercising that they would not give me any other treatment apart from taking Asprin.  ??? I still get pains. Most of my pains come when I am relaxed and like you while I am asleep. I have always said ' Live for today, for tomorrow you may die'. So that's what we do and we keep on Trucking.  ;)
Well, it was Joe that had the stroke, but I almost have one reading some of his emails :)  At our ages, even small discomforts can be symptomatic of larger problems and shouldn't be ignored.

The aspirin was to thin your blood to reduce the chance of clotting, not for the pain.
Ned said:
The aspirin was to thin your blood to reduce the chance of clotting, not for the pain.

I thought it was you Ned that said you had a stroke? Yes I understand the Asprin is for thinning the blood and not the pain. They also prescribed Clorestrol tablets. It just shows that living a healthy lifestyle doesn't always help. By that I mean, eating fresh Fruit and Vegetables. Keep down the bad Fats, use plenty of Garlic etc. We drink some Red Vino too.  ;)
No, I was just quoting Joe's email to me.  I could have made that clearer, sorry for the confusion.  I don't eat the most healthy of diets, and have led a rather sedentary lifestyle, but have been fortunate to have fairly good health anyway.  No major problems have shown up, yet.
Thank you so much for posting the info about Joe. WOW!!  Glad to hear that he is doing better.

Has anyone come up with previous "Joe Lacey stories" from their archives?

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