MotorHome Fire

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My neighbor in a 2006 American Tradition returned to what I would classify as a tragedy. 

His Norcold Frig caught fire and completely burned the Sidewall and Roof in that area.  The Frig was on electric when he left the MH.

The Firemen contained the fire so there was no damage to us or any of the neighboring RVs, they did ax the window in the door and crawled thru and watered down the interior.  They finally pried the door open and applied even more water.  They then cut all Battery cables.

No estimates as to the amount of damage.

Not a pleasent day.
weewun said:
My neighbor in a 2006 American Tradition returned to what I would classify as a tragedy. 

His Norcold Frig caught fire and completely burned the Sidewall and Roof in that area.  The Frig was on electric when he left the MH.

The Firemen contained the fire so there was no damage to us or any of the neighboring RVs, they did ax the window in the door and crawled thru and watered down the interior.  They finally pried the door open and applied even more water.  They then cut all Battery cables.

No estimates as to the amount of damage.

Not a pleasent day.
If He would have installed the Norcold shut down system he would never had this fire and this is assuming it was the fault of the fridge and not the plug in that fed power to the fridge
I have seen a couple of cases where the actual fridge plug in(outlet) was defective and caused  heat/fire damage
What is the Norcold Shutdown System and where do you get it????????
weewun said:
What is the Norcold Shutdown System and where do you get it????????

Its a overheat sensor that is supplied free of charge by Norcod including the installation and it shuts the fridge off in a overheat situation.Overheat is caused by continuing to run the fridge when it is cooling improperly which is low on coolant or run out of level or another cause can be the factory cooling fan malfunctioned and you ran the fridge in hot weather casuing a overheat situation etc etc
#1 cause of the overheat is it leaks and the coolant runs low causing the fridge to try and keep cooling which causes major heat build up
The Norcold sensor monitors the internal temp of the cooling system but would not monitor any electrical short or LP leak.
Jeff said:
The Norcold sensor monitors the internal temp of the cooling system but would not monitor any electrical short or LP leak.

no one suggested  it monitored  electrical short or LPG leak?  Also it DOES NOT monitor the internal  temp of the cooling system.It monitors the  temperature of the  the 120V electrical/Lpg heating has a sensor mounted to the flue.The more the fridge demand for cooling the hotter the heating system gets/runs
What you are describing sounds very much like the recent Recall NorCold did.  The Recall was installed on his Frig. 

If it is not the Recall you are referring to, I will greatly appreciate more information as to how and what to ask NorCold for.
It monitors the  temperature of the  the 120V electrical/Lpg heating has a sensor mounted to the flue.The more the fridge demand for cooling the hotter the heating system gets/runs

And that's the part of the fridge known as "the cooling system", aka "the cooling unit".
Gary RV Roamer said:
And that's the part of the fridge known as "the cooling system", aka "the cooling unit".

Ok I misundestood your post.when u said Internal I was assuming you were suggesting the inside of the fridge cooling area. where the sensor picks up the heat readings is not internal.
Ticat, is it the NorCold Recall mechanism you are referencing.  If not I am extremely interested in the unit, materials ,etc. you are describing.  Anything that adds to the safety of a marginal product is important.

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