Mr, Rene, (Rainy) has some great news

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Thanks Bill.
Yes I have good news. Last September, while attending a Farmer's Market for veterans, I was told that I should sign up with the VA because I had a hearing problem and to file a claim at the same time. To make a long story short, I did sing up and filed a claim. I received a disability rating of 20%.  I thought that was great. I'd be getting $276.84 a month for the rest of my life and it's tax free.  Also I get hearing aids for free and medical coverage.

Over the winter while I was on the VA Web Site I came across a section that dealt with diseases caused by exposure to Agent Orange while serving in Vietnam. I have a disease called AL Amyloidosis and the VA accepts this condition as being caused by that exposure. Once again to make a long story short, back in February, I submitted a "Intent to file" letter. I needed time to get all my ducts in a row before actually filing. Doctors reports and results from a biopsy sent to the Mayo Clinic. I filed the claim on May 20th and got the decision today. They gave me a disability rating of 100% retroactive back to February. That made our day. I'll be getting $3227.58 a month for the rest of my life and again, it's all tax free.
Moral of the story, if you are a veteran, sign up with the VA and start searching their Web Site for maybe some condition you may have and deserve some sort of compensation. PTSD, injury while serving and the list goes on. When you sign up, they'll ask you if you want some veteran's organization to be your POA (Power Of Attorney. I chose the VFW and they helped me tremendously through the entire process. Thank you the VFW.

Just wanted to pass this on for any other Veteran's out there.
Thank you for your service. You deserve every penny of compensation, and I sincerely hope you enjoy it for many, many, many years to come.  :)
Congrats Mt Rene...My wife is the veteran in our household and she has the same deal. 

And I thank you for your service.

I am also sending you a PM with some additional information you may like.
That is good news!  In fact, it's great news!!  Welcome home, soldier.

I was so happy when Rene sent me the PM today.

In part it was because his story and mine are similar.

Very important to tell any Vet that you know.

Here is my post from 7 years ago on this Forum.  I do not want to take away from Rene's story but rather expand on the fact that there are several conditions caused by Agent Orange.

Re: Veterans - diseases presumed caused by herbicide exposure ie Agent Orange
? Reply #2 on: September 17, 2012, 05:14:48 AM ?

? Quote

This may be a little long for a post, but I am adding this story to this thread because you may know of some veteran that it might help very much.

I felt like I had to post about this.

This is a true story...This is my story.

About ten years ago when I first was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes I was told that it was presumed to be connected to Agent Orange.  I was in the hospital at that time having a triple bypass open heart procedure.  The service rep at the Loma Linda VA filled out the paperwork and I received a service connected 20% disability from the VA.  Mostly it has paid the deductable on my medications for all these years with a little extra left over.

Now here is the really important part of this story.  About two years ago my primary care physician from the VA in Phoenix told me that I should check on updating my disability rating because I had several other health issues besides diabetes, specifically Ischemic heart desease, (remember the open heart surgery in 2003), hearing loss from flying Huey's and other small issues. 

I went to another of the service organizations and again they helped me thru the paperwork process.  I was called in for several exams over the next six months, hearing tests, electric probes on my feet, heart exam.  On to the good part.  Over a year ago I got a call on a friday afternoon.  It was a fellow in Seattle who idenitified himself as the adjudication officer for my case.  He talked with my for a while.  A week later on another Friday afternoon he called back.  He said that he was going home for the weekend but wanted to call me first.  They had deceided my case and that I was rated as 100% permanently disabled retroactively to the 2003 date of surgery and in the next week I would be receiving $196,016.00 dollars in my account tax free.......and I would receive over $3,000 a month for life also tax free. 

That was my Homecoming Parade.

Now I am not just telling this as a feel good story for a Vet, (although it certainly is).  I am telling this story because there is a new interpretation of what is connected to Agent Orange.  The new list includes Ischemic Heart Disease.

If you know any veteran that was in Viet Nam it is automatically assumed that he was exposed to  Agent Orange.  If that Vet has heart disease he or she needs to know about this new intrepretation of linkage. 


By the way they also did an audit of my copay for medications since 2003 and refunded that money to me also.
? Last Edit: September 17, 2012, 05:20:48 AM by HueyPilotVN ?

Agent Orange was also used in Korea so if you know anyone who served there and are having health issues, contact the VA.
I was in the artillery so that's how I lost some of my hearing. If anyone files a claim for hearing loss, make sure you tell them you also have ringing in your ears which would be tinitus. Ringing is a steady high pitch sound heard especially when lying in bed and it's real quiet.  With both conditions, you'd get 20% disability.
Rene T said:
Thanks Bill.
Yes I have good news.

Rene, that's great.  Healthcare, drugs, and tax free money for the rest of your life.  Wonderful news.  Glad you made the effort to get through all the red tape.
Rene T said:
I was in the artillery so that's how I lost some of my hearing. If anyone files a claim for hearing loss, make sure you tell them you also have ringing in your ears which would be tinitus. Ringing is a stead high pitch sound heard especially when lying in bed and it's real quiet.  With both conditions, you'd get 20% disability.

Hearing loss and tinnitus since my Vietnam service are exactly the conditions I have, Rene, plus a skin condition that may also qualify.
Do not forget the other 'benefits' of being a disabled Vet.  I am one too.

Free National Park access pass.  I also get in free to State parks in MN and FL. 
Discounted property tax in some states, especially FL.
No VA Loan funding fee on a VA Mortgage
Free public transportation i.e. bus/train rides.
Discounts at many restaurants, Lowes, Home Depot, etc.
I am glad that you mention those.

In Arizona a 100% disabled vet gets one vehicle registration free each year.  I also think that I got free sales tax on my DP back when I bought it.

There are several others that I cannot remember right now.
Wow!  I got the free VA hearing aids a couple of years ago, definitely also have the tinnitus, but never thought of filing for disability.  Time to do some extra couple of hundred a month might come in handy for gas.
These are great stories as far as our government taking care of those who served, though kinda sad it wasn?t more proactive on letting folks know about the benefits.  Regardless, fantastic to hear that Viet Nam vets are finally getting their due.  A close neighbor is going through the process Bill decribed and will probably get 100%.

There is also an issue with those that served at Camp Lejeun from the late 50?s to 1987, regarding contaminated water.

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