My Pomona upgrades

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Well-known member
Feb 9, 2005
Last day at Pomona.
We finally got to set in a ring and chat on the first truly warm day of the week!

Storms moved in the day we arrived 3/18 and stayed 3-4 days with considerable cold. I got to see very little of the show as I scheduled a huge number of repairs/upgrades that kept me waiting at the coach most of the rally.

-Motosat internet dish complete replacement of rooftop hardware. An upgrade from the early beta unit of 4 yrs ago. Royal, Ben, and one other arrived after 7 pm to do the swap and carried the dish up and down the ladder! Then the hard work began. The dish would not find the satellite. After 3 hrs, I sent them off to bed. The next day it took another 3 hrs of troubleshooting to find the bad coax cable at the base of the nount atop the roof. All is well, now.

Mototsat Nomad 24 in TV dish. A upgrade/sidegrade from a Tracstar dome. Instal went smooth and the installer didn't bat an eye at the rats nest of wires he had to untangle in my Tivo compartment. Now I have a chance of getting TV in Alaska...maybe.

Davis cabinet. They removed both CRT TVs and installed the latest Bose 28 system in a base cabinet behind the driver's seat.

Lifeline AGM batteries. installed 4 new ones...$$$$!
Charging is now so fast and gets into the green in a reasonable time. My old batteries were 6.5 yrs old and were very decrepit.

Country Coach installed a new air compressor pump for the air leveling system. My old one kept quitting after a short try and then leaving me off level.

On Thursday, Davis cab. finally returned to put the rear cabinet door hinges on. Now I have 2 new overhead storage bays.

By the way, I have removed the 30 in Sharp aquos TV as well, so now have no Tvs in the coach... I can still watch TV in a window on my new 30 in monitor.

Finally, at 9:30 PM Silverleaf arrived and installed autogen start, a module attached the the silverleaf VMS 240 computer that can automatically start the generator whenever voltage drops to a certain level. It recognizes quiet hours and can be set up to run for a period just before quiet time.

And to think I used to come to these rallys and only spend a hundred dollars!

Congratulations on those upgrades & fixes. It sure helps having all the vendors in one place.
Lots of complex things to fail :)  See you later today.
==And to think I used to come to these rallys and only spend a hundred dollars!==

So, what did you spend this time,,, about 100 $100's?

(don't answer that)
At 11:00PM last night I heard noises (doors slamming next door) and had a hard time figuring what it was.

Should have know it was the FMCA toy fairy making one last call at Russ's.

It had to be the last install of the convention. ;D ;D
Sounds like Russ took good advantange of the FMCA toy fairy.  I understand Russ also likes the Fry's Electronics fairy too. ;D ;D

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