My smartphone has been HACKED!!

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Well-known member
Feb 20, 2018
Upstate NY
Well, not my phone per se but my phone's camera.

I never, ever take "selfies". But for some unknown reason, after this latest update my phone downloaded/installed, when I click the camera icon to take a photo of something-- nice sunset or folks sitting around the picnic table for example-- for some inexplicable reason comes up in selfie mode. :eek:

It's obvious that the phone has been infected as the face looking back at me is... well, a helluva lot OLDER than myself! Gray hair, wrinkles... Also, not nearly as good looking! I'm guessing that some kind of weird filter kids are using these days has infected my phone's camera. Most disturbing...

Has anyone else seen this kind of weird behavior when using their phone's camera?!? :oops:
It's all the people I went to HS School with who alarm me, here I am still handsome while they've all succumbed to some kind of aging malady.

I think the guy in the toupee and the 60 year old actress, who's had so many facelifts she looks like ET, look in the mirror each morning and see someone the rest don't see.
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I guess I've reached that "old age" point in my life also. I remember years ago looking in the mirror while shaving or combing my hair.....closely inspecting to see if I had any of the dreaded grey hairs that I feared. Fast forward to today, and I'm still looking.........but this time I'm trying to find any dark colored hairs that may remain.
I can't recall when the last time was I actually looked at myself in the mirror. I shave my face and head every couple of days and I don't need a mirror to tell me what to do so I usually just do it while reading the online news or the paper. I do need to trim my 'stache and goatee every other week, but I'm usually looking at that and not the rest of my face when I do it.
I can't recall when the last time was I actually looked at myself in the mirror. I shave my face and head every couple of days and I don't need a mirror to tell me what to do so I usually just do it while reading the online news or the paper. I do need to trim my 'stache and goatee every other week, but I'm usually looking at that and not the rest of my face when I do it.
Glad to know your pain tolerance level
Well, not my phone per se but my phone's camera.

I never, ever take "selfies". But for some unknown reason, after this latest update my phone downloaded/installed, when I click the camera icon to take a photo of something-- nice sunset or folks sitting around the picnic table for example-- for some inexplicable reason comes up in selfie mode. :eek:

It's obvious that the phone has been infected as the face looking back at me is... well, a helluva lot OLDER than myself! Gray hair, wrinkles... Also, not nearly as good looking! I'm guessing that some kind of weird filter kids are using these days has infected my phone's camera. Most disturbing...

Has anyone else seen this kind of weird behavior when using their phone's camera?!? :oops:
Need a photo or it never happened 🤣

I'm often surprised when I've seen men who always wear hats then I'm surprised at how different they look when they remove them. I didn't recognise the guy doing our roof today cause he's usually wearing a woolly hat. He looks older than I'd thought.
Need a photo or it never happened 🤣

I'm often surprised when I've seen men who always wear hats then I'm surprised at how different they look when they remove them. I didn't recognise the guy doing our roof today cause he's usually wearing a woolly hat. He looks older than I'd thought.
It was actually pretty rare to ever see me wearing a hat.....ever. Then, in the spring of 2020, amid the Covid start up, all the barbershops/hair salons where I live in E. TN were closed because of it. I needed a haircut really bad but everything was closed....and my wife absolutely refused to even think about trying to give me one. So, I made the decision to cut off all my hair (I had to use a beard trimmer because I didn't have any hair clippers). After I was done with that, I lathered up my head and proceeded to shave my head. I can't type on here what my reaction was when I first did it, it would get me banned, but before long I actually started liking it. Now, I wear hats all the time, not that I'm not liking the shaved head look, but because in summertime, my bald head needs some protection from the sun, and the wintertime my head needs some warmth. I've still quite a bit of hair for someone who's 69 years old, but I keep it shaved anyway. It's really nice when we put the helmets on to go's cooler, and no more "helmet hair" when the lid comes off.

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