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I found a barber shop in downtown Columbus Ohio that does hot towel, straight razor shaves. (Love those, like a spa day for men.)
Barber was friendly and chatty as they should be. He sported a short well trimmed goatee.
When he leaned my chair back and I was looking up at him standing over my head, I saw he had a tattoo under his chin. Mind you, due to his beard, it was only visible from my perspective looking up at his head/face.
His tattoo read, “TIP YOUR BARBER”
Is that great or what?!?
I guess I've reached that "old age" point in my life also. I remember years ago looking in the mirror while shaving or combing my hair.....closely inspecting to see if I had any of the dreaded grey hairs that I feared. Fast forward to today, and I'm still looking.........but this time I'm trying to find any dark colored hairs that may remain.
My hair was blond, turned red, then turned gray, now turning black N blue in spots, the rest is shiny. Oh wait, I've been working on my tractor the last couple months, so much for the black N blue spots.
My barber said "I want you to come and visit every couple of weeks but I feel bad about charging you anything. Just run clippers with a #2 guard around your head for 1 minute, because that's all I'm doing."
My barber said "I want you to come and visit every couple of weeks but I feel bad about charging you anything. Just run clippers with a #2 guard around your head for 1 minute, because that's all I'm doing."
DW has been doing essentially that for decades- we have an Oster clipper set from the 1970s (she did the kids' hair, too) and it's a short process in the kitchen, don't need to spend $20 or so to get that done.
Amen! Just set the x clippers to the lowest setting and go. About every three to five days will do it. On about the same schedule trim the beard and hair is handled.

Need a photo or it never happened 🤣

I'm often surprised when I've seen men who always wear hats then I'm surprised at how different they look when they remove them. I didn't recognise the guy doing our roof today cause he's usually wearing a woolly hat. He looks older than I'd thought.
I wear a ballcap probably 99% of the time when I step outside. When the weather warms up and I start wearing shorts and tank tops I have to remember to remove my hat for an hour or so every few days so my head gets some sun or I end up looking like a Q-Tip when I do take it off.
It was actually pretty rare to ever see me wearing a hat.....ever. Then, in the spring of 2020, amid the Covid start up, all the barbershops/hair salons where I live in E. TN were closed because of it. I needed a haircut really bad but everything was closed....and my wife absolutely refused to even think about trying to give me one. So, I made the decision to cut off all my hair (I had to use a beard trimmer because I didn't have any hair clippers). After I was done with that, I lathered up my head and proceeded to shave my head. I can't type on here what my reaction was when I first did it, it would get me banned, but before long I actually started liking it. Now, I wear hats all the time, not that I'm not liking the shaved head look, but because in summertime, my bald head needs some protection from the sun, and the wintertime my head needs some warmth. I've still quite a bit of hair for someone who's 69 years old, but I keep it shaved anyway. It's really nice when we put the helmets on to go's cooler, and no more "helmet hair" when the lid comes off.
All my adult life I have worn my hair in a high-and-tight military style. My wife never liked it and complained regularly that she hated the "landing strip" on top, so I used to threaten to just shave it off. She always called my bluff. So, one day 7 years ago while she was shopping I just took a pair of beard trimmers and cut it all off, then shaved it smooth with an electric razor I've kept it that way ever since. I'm 6' 2", and weigh about 190 with a goatee, and I've had a few people I know tell me I look like a mean biker when I take my hat off. :LOL:
All my adult life I have worn my hair in a high-and-tight military style. My wife never liked it and complained regularly that she hated the "landing strip" on top, so I used to threaten to just shave it off. She always called my bluff. So, one day 7 years ago while she was shopping I just took a pair of beard trimmers and cut it all off, then shaved it smooth with an electric razor I've kept it that way ever since. I'm 6' 2", and weigh about 190 with a goatee, and I've had a few people I know tell me I look like a mean biker when I take my hat off. :LOL:
I'm not quite as tall as you, but I'm right at 190 ls and have a goatee also.....oh, and I am a biker. I've been riding since 1971 but.......I'm not a mean biker.
I'm not quite as tall as you, but I'm right at 190 ls and have a goatee also.....oh, and I am a biker. I've been riding since 1971 but.......I'm not a mean biker.
Funny, I've had a motorcycle endorsement on my license since about 1985, but I've never owned a motorcycle. I only got it because I had a friend who rode but he could never find anyone to ride with, so he let me borrow his Kawasaki and I went and took the riding test. After that, he and I would take his two dirt bikes and go riding on the trails up in the mountains above Oroville Lake in N. CA.
I found a barber shop in downtown Columbus Ohio that does hot towel, straight razor shaves. (Love those, like a spa day for men.)
Barber was friendly and chatty as they should be. He sported a short well trimmed goatee.
When he leaned my chair back and I was looking up at him standing over my head, I saw he had a tattoo under his chin. Mind you, due to his beard, it was only visible from my perspective looking up at his head/face.
His tattoo read, “TIP YOUR BARBER”
Is that great or what?!?
Years ago I shaved with a straight razor due to the close shave. My grandpa owned a grocery store and gave me that straight razor when he retired and closed the store, he''d found an unopened box of them that had fallen down behind a false wall in his store-room. Then one day the wife(X now) dropped the toothpaste cap in the drain and used my straight razor to dig it out, which of course ruined the blade.
Funny, I've had a motorcycle endorsement on my license since about 1985, but I've never owned a motorcycle. I only got it because I had a friend who rode but he could never find anyone to ride with, so he let me borrow his Kawasaki and I went and took the riding test. After that, he and I would take his two dirt bikes and go riding on the trails up in the mountains above Oroville Lake in N. CA.
Well, I'm on #29 right now and still lovin' it. Dirt bikes is how I started out too. Then eventually I switched to street bikes, then, for 7 years, my wife and I were Instructors/Coaches for the largest motorcycle trackday organization in the US. This is a pic of her at age 62 at Barber Motorsports track in Leeds, AL. We taught students how to ride on a closed course race track...


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