Neat Fry's Electronics Store

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Moderator Emeritus
Jan 29, 2005
Home is where we park it
Found the neatest Fry's Electronics Store right here in League City,Tx.  As some of you know many of the Fry's stores have a theme that has to do with the area they are located.  The theme in this Fry's store is Nasa Space Program.  When entering the store you see a mock up of the International space station through out the ceiling area.  Really impressive.  The attached photos are of some of the Space Station in the South Houston Fry's store. 

Of course the Fry's is always a fun place to browse around.



  • Space station as seen entering Fry's.JPG
    Space station as seen entering Fry's.JPG
    98 KB · Views: 34
  • More of the Space station.JPG
    More of the Space station.JPG
    91.9 KB · Views: 31
  • TV and Speaker listening rooms.JPG
    TV and Speaker listening rooms.JPG
    62 KB · Views: 33
Last night we saw the real ISS pass overhead for 4 minutes.
The Phoenix Fry's looks more like a warehouse.  No theme.
That's true Ned, at least from what I remember from my one visit there. Some of their stores have a subtle theme, while others are much more obvious. When they rebuilt the original Sunnyvale store, they made the handles on the entry doors look like a pair of computer keys, but I don't recall anything significant about the interior of the store.
My visit there on Wednesday was more like Radio Shack, they had everything but what I was looking for :)
Ned said:
Last night we saw the real ISS pass overhead for 4 minutes.
The ISS in the Fry's store was overhead the whole time we were in there which was atleast 30 to 40 minutes.  Oh it was still there today. ;D
Ron said:
The Fry's on Baseline Road has no theme but the Fry's on Thunderbird road does.

The Baseline store was a takeover of another chain's store and had limited reconstruction. The Thunderbird store was built to order and has the theme theme.
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