Try west coast metal buildings inc. I think that is the same as mine. It is all metal and you can have it built your way. I elected to get just the roof but you can get sides and ends also. In my area (whidbey Island) I found a local dealer. He has all the plans and specs. You order from him with 10% down. The company in Oregon ,when it has several orders for the same area ,will deliver and set up. You pay the builders the balance when they are finished. You are responsible for the site prep. Be sure local ordinances are going to be happy when you are done. I have a 26 x 20 x 14 tall with roof only. I added walls later and wish I had let them do it. The extra cost would have been equal to my labor and material cost. I'm very happy with the unit I have. Took 4 guys about 2 hours to put up.